Case Review: Integrative Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Treatment
History & Diagnosis
A 56-year-old woman presented to our clinic for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) treatment after suffering for 15 years without resolve. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized as a long-term, debilitating disease process that causes persistent fatigue and interferes with normal activities of daily living. Patients suffering from CFS have many areas of their lives impacted, such as the quality of their family life, social life, and ability to participate in their work or passions. While chronic fatigue has many physical implications, these types of limitations over time can often lead to emotional distress, such as depression, which this patient unfortunately experienced.
During the initial visit, this patient expressed that aside from extreme fatigue and depression, she experienced many other symptoms as well, such as brain fog, anxiety, headaches, joint pain, frequent urination, bloating, low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, blurry vision, and hot flashes. She rated her overall feelings of wellness a 3 out of 10 and her level of positivity on a day-to-day basis a 2 out of 10, indicating she could not sustain her current state of health. This patient sought chronic fatigue syndrome treatment at NYCIM, determined to uncover and address the root causes of her symptoms rather than accepting them as her baseline moving forward.
A comprehensive analysis of the patient revealed the following:
- Very high tissue toxicity – 16 on Dr. Schimmel’s scale
- Dr. Schimmel’s scale involves a toxicity score ranging from 0-21. As a reference, a normal range for a healthy individual is considered 1-8.
- Moderate heavy metal toxicity, including mercury, aluminum, and lead
- Disturbance of her central nervous system function in relation to chronic infection, heavy metal toxicity, and emotional distress
- Multiple nutritional deficiencies, including minerals (copper, magnesium, selenium, and zinc)
- Multiple pathogens associated with spirochete infections, including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic co-infections
- Foci or disturbance fields in her pelvic region associated with a localized chronic inflammatory process affecting her reproductive organs
Healing is a dynamic process requiring regular follow-up evaluations and health maintenance. Routine assessment allows clinicians to identify each patient’s unique needs within different stages of healing to ensure the best possible outcome.
-Nicole Ritieni, NP, Clinical Director
A personalized program of treatment was established to reduce the toxic burden, address infections, improve her relationship with her emotions, and restore proper terrain. She started her treatment with cleansing of her body and restoration of the proper function of the organs and overall system using both oral and intravenous methods. At home, she began taking daily ionized minerals, nutritional supplements, and homeopathic preparations to open her drainage pathways and initiate detoxification. She also started rebuilding her milieu with Sanum and Symbiopathic preparations and detoxifying heavy metals with oral chelating agents.
Eight intravenous infusions were combined with oxidative therapies, neural therapy, and intramuscular antiviral injections using natural compounds. During her first week of intravenous therapy, energy balancing was performed using the French ACMOS Method, an advanced therapeutic system similar to acupuncture but without needles.
Following detoxification came four sessions of antimicrobial therapies administered every week, with IV infusions to support general detoxification in between. During this time, the patient did not notice a significant improvement in symptoms and reported continued low energy as her body was navigating the detox process. ACMOS Method was repeated as needed to support her and improve symptoms. At this time, the patient expressed some concern about not feeling a significant shift in her health as quickly as she had hoped. The clinical team provided reassurance, sharing that each patient has a different timeline for when they experience a relief of symptoms. She began to surrender and trust the process. She understood that her healing may occur on a timeline different from what she anticipated.
Following her antimicrobial therapies, we began to address the patient’s emotional stress and create an awareness of subconscious emotions that were affecting her both physically and emotionally. Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) sessions were performed weekly to achieve this. NET is a psycho-emotional therapy based on the physiological foundations of the stress-related response. Emotional responses are composed of neuropeptides that may be ejected from the neurons within our nervous system. These neuropeptides carry encoded information to other areas of the body. The subconscious mind remembers all our life experiences, notably negative or traumatic experiences. These emotions may be triggered at any point and cause physiological disturbances depending on where this information is stored. This patient significantly benefited from multiple NET sessions to reprogram her subconscious responses, affecting her overall health.
The patient finished treatments and was instructed to follow up in 6 weeks for re-evaluation to check on her response.

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Initially, after treatment at her 6-week follow-up, she reported some improvement in joint pain. However, chronic fatigue and depression were still very much present. Over the next year, this patient continued to follow up with our clinic and returned for maintenance treatments on four separate occasions. This included routine ACMOS, NET, additional intravenous detoxification, and oral supplement protocols. Healing is dynamic and not always linear; this process looks different for all patients. This patient, in particular, required maintenance over the next year to find desired relief.
Today, she reports a significant increase in energy with little to no limitations in participating in daily life. Most of her other symptoms have improved as well, including a newfound clarity after years of brain fog, a regulated nervous system, and significant improvement in her emotional state as a result. The patient expressed that she had finally felt a shift in her symptoms, which had persisted for over a decade with little to no solutions offered. She continues to look to NYCIM for any health needs that may arise. She expresses the importance of targeted disease treatment and continued personalized health maintenance.
Are You or a Loved One Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Take our assessment and schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation to learn how our personalized approach can transform your health. Take the first step toward healing, and contact us today.
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