The Story of the Pre-Conception Cleanse with Dr. Mary Shackelton


In clinical tests on over 30,000 umbilical cords, virtually every sample contained toxic “forever chemicals” or PFAS which are linked to birth defects, cancer, kidney and liver disease, among other health issues. Even before we are born, we are at a biological disadvantage. Today, we’re speaking with a naturopathic doctor whose protocol allows mothers and fathers to clear out toxins and optimize their biology before endeavoring to reproduce. 

This is the Story of the Pre-Conception Cleanse with Dr. Mary Shackelton.

Pre-Conception Cleanse

Average Cost: $24.99

The mitochondria is exquisitely sensitive to toxic exposure and so there’s something called vertical transmission. So when your grandmother is exposed to something, she passes it in utero to her daughter. And then when that woman gives birth, she passes her total toxic load to the fetus.

– Dr. Mary Shackelton

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