HeartQuest HRV: Assessing Autonomic Nervous System for Better Healing

Proactive, preventative, personalized—this is healthcare at its best. Wearable health monitoring technology, such as the Oura Ring and Apple Watch, has opened a window into real-time health metrics that can help us (and our doctors) get a better read on the messages our bodies are sending out through biometrics such as heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), blood oxygen levels, temperature, sleep patterns, and stress levels. One company is taking it a big step further, though: HeartQuest.

HeartQuest HRV is included in every patient’s comprehensive initial evaluation to gather a baseline measurement and further assess the function of their autonomic nervous system. As our Clinical Director, Nicole Ritieni, NP, explains, “HeartQuest evaluates the autonomic nervous system, neurohormonal system, psycho-emotional state, brain electrical activity, meridians, and chakra system. It analyzes the interconnections between these areas of the body that regulate a patient’s physiology. Since the autonomic nervous system governs most of the functions within the body, obtaining this information for a patient allows us to assess their adaptive capabilities and regulatory systems to better understand the root cause of their symptoms.”

HeartQuest HRV evaluates the autonomic nervous system, neurohormonal system, psycho-emotional state, brain electrical activity, meridians, and chakra system.

-Nicole Ritieni, Clinical Director, NP

What is HRV?

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates about 99% of our visceral organs, blood vessels, and glands. It has two branches: the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest functions). Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the variation in time between heartbeats and is measured by beat-to-beat intervals. A high degree of variation between heartbeats in the time domain indicates a healthy ANS, while low HRV suggests decreased ANS regulation.

HeartQuest HRV further evaluates the HRV’s frequency spectrum, identifying specific frequency bandwidths associated with particular functions. Low frequency indicates sympathetic nervous system dominance, high frequency is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system, and very low frequency (VLF) suggests a balance between the two. Health is the result of balance. 

HRV serves as an indicator of your body’s resilience and adaptability to change. It can also assess how effectively you respond to treatments and recover from illnesses or injuries. 

Since the autonomic nervous system governs most of the functions within the body, obtaining this information for a patient allows us to assess their adaptive capabilities and regulatory systems to better understand the root cause of their symptoms.

-Nicole Ritieni, Clinical Director, NP

HeartQuest HRV: A More Comprehensive HRV Technology

HeartQuest HRV is an advanced, non-invasive assessment software that examines human biorhythms and regulatory systems. It generates a detailed readout of psycho-emotional balance, meridian system regulation, 24-hour circadian rhythm, Ayurvedic tri-dosha balance, neuro-hormonal regulation, and cardiovascular adaptation in just five minutes. This information is presented in easy-to-read and color-coded graphics, offering your doctor insights into the interconnectivity and functioning of all the body’s systems. It also reveals total hormonal activity, the five elements from Chinese Medicine, signs of thyroid imbalance, biological age, and energy balance in the endocrine system.

According to Dr. Michael Kessler, HeartQuest HRV provides additional information to create a more comprehensive real-time picture of total patient health. Dr. Kessler aimed to design a system to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments and therapies he had used in his private practice for decades and chart patterns in real time. HeartQuest HRV is continuously evolving and improving, with plans to incorporate technology for home use and integration with other popular wearable health monitors. 

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The Art of Healing

Traditional healthcare has traditionally relied on guesswork and trial and error, using information obtained through snapshots such as bloodwork, scans, and physical examinations. Doctors typically prescribe, recommend, and adjust treatments and medications specific to a body part, system, or disease. However, this approach has limitations, including failing to treat the body as a whole and interconnected system and not fully tapping into the body’s innate wisdom. Dr. Kessler notes, “The body will tell you;” it’s just a matter of having the right tools and information to listen.

At Innovative Medicine, healing is both an art and a science. We use advanced tools like HeartQuest HRV to remove the guesswork and trial-and-error of traditional medicine. By accessing patient-specific data across physiological, psycho-emotional, and energetic profiles, we can create highly personalized evaluations and tailored healing protocols.

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Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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IM Health Team

Our Innovative Medicine Health Team is a committed and impassioned group of individuals with focused efforts on exploring and shedding light on this comprehensive realm of healing - sharing insight on some of the most advanced, integrative, but most importantly, innovative topics in medicine - empowering you to be the healthiest version of you. Want to learn more? Here's our story.