The Most Common Detox Questions, Answered
Detox FAQ’s
1. What does a detox do?
As the name suggests, detoxification is the basic process of removing toxin buildup from your organs of elimination. We are being exposed to an alarming number of toxins every day. Despite clean living with toxin-free products, leading a 100% toxin-free life is impossible. Fretting about toxin exposure will do nothing more than rob you of your mental peace. Instead, learning how to detox the body regularly is a far better strategy to employ for overall health and wellbeing.
The human body is inherently equipped with metabolic pathways that allow for a natural detox cleanse. Merely supporting these molecular pathways and gently enhancing the body’s innate capacity to detox goes a long way to promote health and healing. Read our comprehensive guide to detoxification for more tips and insight on detoxification.
2. Is detoxing safe?
Yes, there’s a right and a wrong way to detox. Knowing the distinction can be enormously beneficial in achieving optimal health.
General detoxification is by and large safe with little to no side effects. However, precautions must be exercised when a deeper detoxification protocol is part of an illness treatment plan.
For instance, when combating Lyme disease or any other chronic illness, it is highly advised to follow a detox protocol reviewed and supervised by a medical team. For chronic disease detoxification, it’s essential to recognize that a detox reaction could occur and medical supervision can help resolve any issues or symptoms as they arise.
3. How long should you detox your body?
Unfortunately, there is no correct answer to this. The team at Innovative Medicine does not believe in a one size fits all approach to health. Personalized attention and detox protocols that cater to the specific body constitution of the patient are the need of the hour. Generalizing a detox duration accounts for ignoring the minute nuances that make up the unique body type of every person.
4. What are some dangers of a detox?
A full body detox that is safe and effective supports the body’s innate healing and detoxification pathways. The forced expulsion of toxins with detox supplements can result in electrolyte imbalance which is extremely harmful to the internal organs. Studies have even reported kidney failure and predisposition to diabetes type-2 due to the body’s sudden metabolic acidosis.
5. How to do a DIY detox?
The body can be detoxed at home in simple ways on a regular basis. It is not always about a supplement or a diet. Healing and health optimization often begin with simple everyday practices. You can start with simple steps like cleansing your gut with warm lemon water as part of your morning routine. For a more in-depth guide, check out our article, 8 ways in which you can do a DIY detox.
6. Detox drinks for the liver – Are they effective?
Detox liver drinks like celery juice do not work for a comprehensive full-body detox. As healthy as celery juice is, relying on it alone defeats the innate capability of other organs of elimination.
Celery juice for the liver does nothing to cleanse your lymphatic system or lungs. The big picture to keep in mind is to detoxify all the organs of elimination without hyper-focusing on the liver alone.
7. What do I eat during a detox?
For starters, it’s a no-brainer that processed food is the first thing that needs to be eliminated when beginning a detox. The food industry has a notorious reputation for adding toxic chemicals and additives to prolong the shelf life of processed food. If you are experiencing symptoms of toxic burden and believe that your detoxification pathways have become sluggish, it is best to keep processed food at bay.
Consume natural food which does not come out of a jar or processed bottle. Consider cutting out alcohol, sugar and caffeine depending on the severity of your symptoms.
The goal here is not to indulge in a detox diet. Instead, consume well-balanced meals that provide natural nutrients for your body.
To learn more about how to eat the right way, check out Innovative Medicine’s diet plan.
8. How often should I detox?
Per detox experts, spring and fall cleanses are the very least to take up. Twice a year, seasonal cleanses help us sync up with nature’s cycles and honor our inner rhythms. Additionally, a cleanse can be taken up whenever the body shows signs of needing a detox.
For medical conditions such as heavy metal cleanses and recovering from an illness, it is best to follow a guideline and regimen for frequency of detox, at least until recovery from illness is achieved. Check out the tell-tale signs your body needs a detox to see where you fall on the spectrum.
9. Can detox be used to reduce weight?
Detox diets and trending quick-fix supplements can be tempting to take up because of all the hype created around them by the global detox market. Reducing weight to compensate for food indulgence can push the body’s homeostasis over the edge, leading to a wide range of side effects. For this reason, we do not recommend using detox for weight loss.
10. How long does it take to detox from sugar?
Sugar cravings are a message from your body to pay attention to your gut. Sugar is a known neurotoxin. Sugar cravings have been linked to mood swings due to the connection with the gut-brain axis. A sugar detox to reset your gut and regain overall health is highly recommended.
Seven-day sugar curbing strategies and 30-day sugar detoxes are more of a fad and may or may not yield desired results in the long run. Yet, these are an excellent places to start. However, a sugar detox is best assessed by first evaluating the condition of your gut microbiota.
Learn more about testing your gut microbiome here.
Detoxification is made out to be more complicated than it needs to be. It really all comes down to removing toxic crud from the body. Regular upkeep of the organs of elimination goes a long way in maintaining health and wellbeing.
If you have any questions regarding specifics of a detox plan or need help customizing it to your individual body needs, please contact us today.

Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.
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