The Story of Directing Your Health with Frazer Bailey
He’s directed documentaries and worked the camera for The Crocodile Hunter, but could he direct himself back to health? After a mysterious illness plagued him and sapped him of vitality and energy, he traveled the world in search of answers and solutions. Trying everything from Amazonian Frog Therapy to hypnosis, things seemed hopeless until a chance encounter opened his eyes. What transpired led him on a healing journey that inspired his last documentary, “Root Cause“.
This is the story of directing your health with Frazer Bailey.
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The Transcript
Caspar Szulc: 00:01
If there’s one arena that’s doing a really great job on shedding light on the various ways we can redefine health and change the medical paradigm I’d have to say that’s documentaries. Going back to Morgan Spurlock’s ‘Super Size Me‘, there’ve been a list of great documentaries that have opened the eyes of many people as to what’s really going on and the various factors of disease that we face on a daily basis. Two documentaries that are at the top of my list and I highly recommend everyone watch; number one is ‘E-Motion’ with pioneers such as Joe Dispenza, Nassim Harramein, and Raymond Grave to name a few. And the other one, number two is ‘Root cause’. And that’s about some of the potential health risks associated with dental practices as told through the story of someone that went through chronic disease and came out the other end. And they were both directed and produced by the same person. An awesome Aussie from down under that knows a thing or two about healing. This is the story of Frazer Bailey.
I know you’re quite far away right now over in Australia. You’ve got a really amazing story of overcoming disease and adversity and, and how you got there is incredible. I mean, you made a documentary out of it. That’s something to say about it. But for those of you who maybe haven’t seen the documentary, we’ll get into that shortly. Can you give us the backstory of how things really started for you and set the stage for where your health issues began? Because as I understand, you’re a pretty healthy person and then mysteriously things start to fall apart a little bit. Can you go into that?
Frazer Bailey: 01:38
Yeah, so a lot of what I’m saying is in the documentary. But you know, looking back at it now, I didn’t realize at the time, but the start of my kind of health crisis was when I was 17. At over here we have a thing called ‘schoolies’ week where everyone celebrates the end of school and you know, basically parties and drinks hard for a week. And during that time I was on the second day, I was unfortunate enough to get like King hit by a guy older than me. And when I got King hit basically after the stitches and everything I went to a dentist and he said, you know, you have to have a root canal. And at the time I went, yeah, of course. So I had the root canal. I never thought anything of it. And fast forward, let’s say 10 years later. The first kind of symptoms I got was just real lethargic, just tired all the time going to the doctor saying, Hey, I’m, I’m just so tired.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me and you know, then basically saying, you know, take this depression pill or, or something similar. But I knew it wasn’t that. And anyway, the next kind of two or three years I was just kind of struggling but still doing my job and going about life and just essentially putting on a brave face. And then a couple of years later I got a flu. I got just a normal flu, but I was working for a company out of town. I couldn’t stop like you normally do when you have the flu. I just powered through for it for another week. And then when the job finished, I collapsed and yeah, basically went through all the flu symptoms. They all finished, but then I realized that was like the end of my energy. I was just like, you know, had zero energy, couldn’t get out of bed.
And essentially that was the start of my chronic fatigue. And then essentially I would just went on a journey to find out how to get rid of this fatigue. And where I was, you know, where, where I was very lucky is I had money and I had time. A lot of people obviously got full time jobs and stuff. My work is, I direct TV commercials for a living. I didn’t work for the first couple of years. I couldn’t work. But then I started to work again just doing the odd job, just to basically pay the mortgage. And then essentially the documentary kind of goes into this, all this crazy stuff that I explored. Everything in there is true, I did anything for those of you who have seen it, I never did the firewalk. I just, that was just something I did for comedy, but the rest, everything I tried and, and also just the nature of storytelling.
“I think anyone who’s lost their health and you know, would sell their house and everything to get the health back, knows what it’s like. And you know, when you don’t have your health, money has no meaning kind of thing. So, you know, I literally spent all my savings in search for the answer.”
Frazer Bailey
Director of ‘Root Cause’

Obviously it didn’t happen in the exact order of the way I tell the story. And then after trying literally anything and everything and yeah, looking for the, looking for the, I’m looking for the root cause, looking for the source of what was going on. Which kind of brings me back to you and your father was a good friend of mine, sent me a link of your father doing BAH and then I’ve kind of explored that link and then explored all the other links and it was kind of like blown away by what you, what your dad was doing with the testing with the Lecher antenna.
And I had a girlfriend at the time who was a pharmacist, but she was, yeah, she was a bit over being a pharmacist and wanting to get into more natural healing methods. And I showed her the clips and she was blown away too. And I said, what about, you know, you become the first practitioner in Australia to do this. And she was like, Hey, that sounds great. And so we flew over to San Francisco where your father was teaching a course. And so I was literally there just to be a good boyfriend kind of thing. And I think it was on day two of the course. So I just said to her, you know, do you think you could find out what’s going on with me? Would you mind asking? And she said, yeah, sure. And so I left a drop of blood for them to test.
And apparently the whole class tested was testing my blood. And then when I was just being a tourist. And then when I got back that when I got back that day to pick her up, I said, what did he say was going on with me? And he said your main problem was that you had an infected root canal. And this just kind of like, just blew my mind. And I was like, what? And had you ever heard that before? No, I’ve never heard that before. And I hadn’t even, I hadn’t really spoken to your father or told him I had a root canal, let alone an infected one. So he just has a drop of my blood for those that haven’t had this done. It’s kind of, it’s hard, hard to understand. And then I was just like, well, and that was the first time I’ve ever heard that a root canal was causing me issues or anyone else issues. So, I think she had the course then we had to fly out.
We had know fly out the next day. And then that really began my research of you know, root canals being the source of my problems. And I must be honest, cause it was my front tooth, you know, I started seeing dentists and, basically the remedy was to have the front tooth pulled and no one really wants to have a front tooth pulled. So I was kind of trying to, I actually didn’t want this to be true because I don’t want to lose my front tooth, call me vain, but it didn’t sound too fun. And, and then essentially I just started listening to podcasts and listening to the alternative doctors and dentists who are speaking out about this issue. And you know, the thing that got me across the line. There was two things. There was this guy, Dr. Jerry Tennant, who’s in the, who’s in the documentary, amazing doctor and I had a Skype call with him or just paid for an hour’s consult, got my bloods done, dah, dah, dah.
As one of these questionnaires is, do you have a root canal or not? Which I said yes to. And then we’re just talking. And then after everything he said, he said until you have your root canal fixed, there’s nothing I can do. You know, that’s, you have to fix that before we kind of move on. And so that was like, okay, this guy was telling me that. I didn’t really want to hear it. And then another thing was I think called an EAV, electronics according to Voll test, that I had done with, with a dentist here and essentially sends electricity through your body and it’s kind of like a needle. And when, when, when you’re in harmony, the needles in the middle. And so this machine was testing all my teeth and it was all fine, fine, fine, fine. And then when it hit my root canal tooth, the needle just went off the charts and it makes it real, kind of funny sound. And then when that happened right in front of me, I was just like, okay, this machine is clearly showing me that there’s a problem. And then I had the 3D cone beam scan and after all that, that was when I was going, okay, now let’s, let’s rip this thing out. Like there’s no, no way around this. So yeah, it was, it was your father who’s, who’s a legend in my, in my opinion, that got my health back and, and was the, it was really the catalyst of making the documentary.
Caspar Szulc: 09:51
Yeah. And thank you for that. And I know he loves to hear that. And you know, you’ve done a great job sending some people to our center and then to given us those you know, prompts, but you know, to, to back that a little bit. You had this issue for a long time. Did you go the conventional route? Did you get diagnosed or was it sort of a mysterious illness?
Frazer Bailey: 10:12
Yeah, I mean it was just a combination of, you know, people think that I was, yeah, I was faking it and I was a hypochondriac and yeah, I’m over here. I’m surely the same if you, if you want to get off work, you’d get a doctor’s note. And so they’d kind of go, you know, I can write, I brought you a sick note for a week and, but I’ve got my own business. I don’t need anyone to write me a sick note. And then, yeah, it was just essentially kind of, and my anxiety levels were off the charts too back then. Just I think combination of having a really weak system. So that also was prescribing any anxiety medication. And you know, when I did my homework and read the side effects, I was like, I don’t want to touch this stuff. And, and so that was essentially hypoglycemia was like one guy’s theory. But yeah, the, the first thing I did, the first thing I did really was, was blood tests. And then when they had no answers, that’s when I went searching for other answers.
Caspar Szulc: 11:16
And you went through a lot and the documentary does a good job from Amazonian frog therapy, right? To just really advanced technology. You tried everything. All different diets, everything. And so you are really, really proactive. But I guess you could say you were shooting darts in the dark, right? It was just trying everything and, and you know, throwing the whole lot at it, but you weren’t getting any results. You know, is there any advice for anybody kind of doing the same approach that you’d give now if you’re looking in hindsight at where you are now?
Frazer Bailey: 11:55
Well, I mean, obviously after what happened to me, you know, if you lived in America, then I’d say go straight to Innovative Medicine and get diagnosed. And, as, you know, I didn’t, I wasn’t fortunate enough to go through all your protocols because I don’t live in America and a lot of your protocols are not, unfortunately, I’m not allowed in Australia. So you know what happened – you’re totally right. I was shooting, I was shooting darts and you know, some things gave relief, you know, things like acupuncture give relief and like those, like I said, those first couple of years where I couldn’t work, that was just total bedridden. And then I did do, I did do some things that, you know, did help me kind of thing, but I kept sliding back. So I kind of do these crazy courses and you know, some were really effective and yeah, I’d tell people to look into them. But because I didn’t have the root canal sorted, I can just, my health started sliding back. And so it wasn’t until I’d fix that that, you know, everything kind of started to heal itself I suppose because I was, I was getting, getting rid of the infection and and so the body could heal and I was still doing, you know, different stuff like acupuncture and chiropractics and nutrition. All the good stuff that that helps you heal afterwards as well.
Caspar Szulc: 13:27
Right. And now would you consider yourself an open minded person? Because I mean you did some crazy stuff, right? And then you come up, you show up and I remember meeting you, you’re just this random Aussie at our event asking to be tested. And it’s like, all right, for educational purposes, let’s all gather around and test Frazer and see what we come up with. And it did show up as, Hey, you’re actually quite healthy except for this. Right. So I understand why other people would say it’s in your head. We’re running the tests and it seems you’re quite healthy. And then you have this one thing and that’s, that’s sometimes the crazy part about medicine. Most people think it’s these millions of things, right? When a lot of times the initiating factor is just that one thing that everyone’s overlooking. For some people it’s geopathic stress we’ve seen. Where you live and you’re missing that electromagnetic causes you can’t test for that. In your case it was actually a dental infection. But, was that like a huge leap for you or did you start to say, well wait a second, that makes a little sense. Or because I think you stated, you took some time to finally take action. You needed some confirming pieces as well with the EAV and other things. So was that difficult for you and you know, was, was that a big jump into a new paradigm?
Frazer Bailey: 14:43
It a hundred percent was. And you know, to begin with, I was like, yeah, I’m not, I’m not sure about this, but, you know, I’m extremely open-minded. I think anyone who’s lost their health and you know, would sell their house and everything to get the health back, knows what it’s like. And you know, when you don’t have your health, money has no meaning kind of thing. So, you know, I literally spent all my savings in search for the answer. And then, you know, when your father had told me one thing, I was very lucky to get hold of. There’s a great podcast called ‘One Radio Network’ and they did a whole series of interviews with Hal Huggins. And Hal Huggins was kind of like… Westin Price and him were like the fathers of holistic dentistry.
And now he was the one kind of flying the flag saying how bad amalgams and root canals were. So I kind of got hot shortly after seeing your dad, you know, I got hold of these podcasts, I was listening to them and that kind of started to make a lot of sense to me or everything that he was saying and you know, how they can’t properly sterilize the tooth and, and so all of kind of these Hal Huggins podcasts kind of helped me confirm that, you know, your dad was onto something. So that was I think, yeah, yes, the start, it was kind of a hard pill to swallow, but at the same time it really shook me because I hadn’t told them I had a root canal. And then the other thing is, is that kind of in my, you know, kind of up in my gums, it was kind of getting dark and, but I just didn’t think anything of it.
So that kind of thought, well maybe he’s right. Like obviously the rest of the gum was looking fine, but just above the root canal, it’s kind of looking dark. So maybe there is an infection there. So I think, I think I’m extremely open minded and I think, yeah, yeah. Obviously some, unfortunately some people aren’t and they just think whatever Western medicine says goes and that there is nothing else. But for me also because Western medicine didn’t have an answer, I was kind of forced to look outside the box.
Caspar Szulc: 17:03
Right. And I want to go into a little bit of that skepticism with root cause and everything that happened afterwards. But even before that, you had produced and directed a documentary E-Motion, correct? Was that going on during your health issues?
Frazer Bailey: 17:20
Yes. So I mean that, like I said, I was a lot better. I was a lot better than, than I was obviously when I was bad. And that literally came out of search again, searching for answers and, as you know, it’s true that emotions have a big part in your health in that. And that, so I was, I kind of, yeah. Met with some people and now that their whole thing was like, you know, you’ve got an emotional traumas that you’ve kind of suppressing and that you need to release this. And so I started looking into that. And then, you know, a lot of the people that you see in the documentary subscribe to that theory and they’re a hundred percent right. And then so I started working on my emotions, which actually did help my health.
But like I said, I didn’t get a hundred percent better because I hadn’t traded the tooth issue. And then when I found out about the tooth issue…It’s like, it’s kind of like a weird pact that you make with God, I suppose, is that if you get me out of this, you know, I’ll do, I’ll do the right thing and I’ll, I’ll do good. And ended up kind of thought it was the, the thing to do is to get this information out there for all the other people that have suffered to. So they wouldn’t suffer like I did, I suppose.
Caspar Szulc: 18:42
Yeah. And to be honest, it’s a pact so many patients make, you know, because there are so many people that finally get better and then they just start either foundations about it. Go on the road and do talks, do consulting, or even become doctors in some sort of, you know, professional sense.
So it is really something that you see and that’s what I love. I love that story of actually getting better. That’s where I believe the journey begins because you went on to tell your story to a vast audience through this documentary and it was amazing. And it’s also funny because the two documentaries you did with emotion and root cause I believe and from what I’ve seen, you know, being around my father my whole life and meeting so many different doctors, those are two of the kind of most underappreciated factors is the dental side, which of course you can attest to. The whole documentary does a great job of illustrating that. And then emotions, which everyone seems to think is a completely separate facet of medicine, right? We actually call it like mental illness and you know, it’s almost like a different whole thing and then you go to your regular doctor but go to your shrink for that.
So it’s your journey kind of exposed two of the largest underlying factors and your documentaries through your own journey allowed a number of people to then witness that these are two really, really powerful things we need to look at. Unfortunately, though, there is some backlash to this. And you received it from the ADA, right? And you were on Netflix, which was a great accomplishment. I remember telling everyone to head over to Netflix and watch ‘Root Cause’. And then how long was it on there before the ADA American dental association, you know, caused a little bit of an uproar?
Frazer Bailey: 20:30
I think it was just under three months. So it started the 1st of January in yeah, 1st of January and then it was off by kind of the end of March that year. So, yeah.
Caspar Szulc: 20:42
Were you expecting that?
Frazer Bailey: 20:49
No, no, not at all. I mean I, with my name and the way it’s spelled is there’s not too many of me in the world. And so through social media, through social media, I copped a lot of abuse from dentists from seeing the film. And yeah. First I want to say that dentists are highly intelligent, hardworking, great people, and I’ve got zero issues with dentist. It’s just the root canal procedure that I’d love to see come to an end. And so I started copping this abuse from dentists. I kind of could see it from their point of view because it’s like, you know, if 50% of your income and some, some filmmaker in Australia tells you that, you know, 50% of your income, you’re, you’re hurting people and causing all sorts of disease and stuff. Well, you know, I’d be pretty miffed too because, you know, after spending 10, 40 years, whatever, thinking that root canals were perfectly healthy and good first and all that, then I can see where they are coming from.
And then I started to see some of the people who were part of the dental association started to show us kind of the emails that they’ll, yeah. Basically gathering and stuff. And and then I saw something that they kind of drafted up to Netflix, but I’ve kind of, I kind of didn’t think that Netflix would do anything. I saw the emails, I kind of wasn’t worried. And then I got a text message saying that your, I can’t get your film on Netflix. It’s been taken down. I was like, nah, and then I kind of went to to find it. It was gone. And that was kind of, you know, we didn’t hear anything. Now I’m kind of told us and essentially you know, I think that the American Dental Association is very respected organization and, and you know, we’re a very small independent film.
And I think, you know, Netflix basically, sorry, the American Dental Association telling Netflix that we’re causing harm to people and you know, ruining people’s health with the kind of erroneous information that’s in the film. You know, I can see it from Netflix’s perspective that they thought, well, you know what, this is, this is not a good thing. We don’t want the, we don’t want the legal battles. We don’t want, we don’t want the drama. And unfortunately they took it off. Like, I wish that the people high up would, would have done their research cause they would have come to the exact same conclusion as me. But, understandably so. They kind of took the advice of the American dental association over over a filmmaker from Australia.
Caspar Szulc: 23:47
To me it’s always crazy because this is your experience. You can’t deny your experience. Now I understand your, not the professional, but you had people on a documentary that are well-respected professionals, right? You had Dr. Mercola, Dr. Tennant – all these people that are very well known. You know, would not promote anything that would do harm. You could say have actually probably brands themselves that would not allow that in some ways and are just putting an alternative side to the story because I think that’s what you know most of us do with her. It’s politics or anything usually have two sides to the story and you allow the people to make their decision based off so-called facts and both sides have their own facts to everything. So I was really shocked, but at the same time, knowing what it’s like being in the integrative or alternative field for so long, you really get people that don’t want change.
You get people that are really stuck in their ways and and no matter what you put in front of them will really push back. And it’s unfortunate when it is about another patient’s experience. That’s when I say I understand when doctors have a profit to put this out there and start to go against each other and you know, bring each other down. It’s sort of business tactics you could say. Not exactly ethical, but there’s something to be said there. Like big, big pharma does the homeopathy almost, right? What, what is it? It’s, it’s nothing to big pharma, this little homeopathic brand, but they’ll go after it all they can, but you know, when it’s the patient’s experience that that’s when it’s a little bit, I think you crossed the line. You’re trying to say it didn’t happen when obviously your, the evidence of it. Right?
And that’s where I think experience is so vital. It shouldn’t be about just true clinicals and evidence. It should be about the experience of patients such as yourself. Do you see anything changing in the near future as to accepting just alternative medicine as a whole? Maybe not transforming the dental, you know process and, and the whole industry. But I know myself, I’ve seen more and more holistic dentists and biological dentists coming up and you know, they’re keeping to themselves and they don’t want to ruffle feathers. But have you, because you put this out there, of course you got backlash, but what, what was the support like?
Frazer Bailey: 26:06
Well, I mean, I mean, yeah, obviously the support was overwhelming and you know, people kind of saying, you know, why can’t you get this back on Netflix and stuff, but not realizing it was beyond our control. You know, I think in a way it’s a compliment because I think the film was so powerful and convincing enough is that, yeah, excuse the pun, but we did hit a nerve with with, with the dental community and I knew that, I knew only science would get this across the line and everyone in the film is a doctor or a dentist. And having this many people, basically playing the same tune about how bad root canals are and all the science and all the experiments to prove, you know, how toxic they are is what made the film so convincing. And I think because it was so convincing we really rattled some feathers and, and like you said, you know, the business side of things, it’s like 25 billion root canals a year, two or $3,000 a pop. You can do the math. So what we’re upsetting.
I think, I think in terms of change mainly talk about Australia and what I’m seeing here is a lot of people are disenchanted with Western medicine and yeah, definitely alternative medicine is growing and you know, whether it’s acupuncture, chiropractics or homeopathy – they’re definitely increasing in business. I think less people are going to the doctors when, you know, when they have the cold and the flu, less people who just turning to antibiotics and tablets cause they know it’s bad. And so they get there watching their diet, they’re getting acupuncture, they’re getting homeopathy, whatever. And so I’ve definitely see it’s a growing field because, you know, we all, you know, we all know that Western medicine is great for trauma medicine, but for chronic disease that I think that they’re very backwards and barbaric in some respects. And you know, I think that there’s better alternatives out there and with the internet and stuff, people can do their own homework and, and you know, not just believe everything they’re told with the newspapers and in the media.
Caspar Szulc: 28:41
Right. And you brought up that you wanted to base this in science, right? You wanted to, to kind of showcase that this is scientific. Now, do you think that the word science itself is really what it used to be? I mean, everyone’s using this like, ‘Hey, it’s based in science.’ And the science you could show shows two things, which is that even science, right? That you could come up with two different opposing results in science and everyone’s pointing to their science. So how do you feel about that? Cause I’ve had a really hard time Frazer telling people like, no, this is based in science. Like no, no, no, this is, and you just go back and forth in circles and you just dropped the word science. Like it’s, you know, it’s, it’s a, it’s God’s word and that’s it. When in fact I think science is first off, a man-made creation in some way and it can be skewed. There are so many beliefs on what is and isn’t. So what your thoughts and, And how did you see this as being scientific yet getting such backlash?
Frazer Bailey: 29:48
Yeah. Well I mean it was your first comment. So true. I mean, you know what kind of researched today and I’ve seen is that so much science is bought and paid for science. It’s, he who has the peso has the say so. And you know, you can go back with big tobacco paying doctors and stuff that, you know, the Camels are good for you and stuff. And, I mean, there’s so many different fields that you could, you could kind of say this too, that if you, if you’ve got the money to pay the scientists, then you can get whatever so-called science that you want kind of thing. And you know, when I say that it was all based on science. I mean, just for instance, some of the experiments, so if you did a cone beam scan, so it’s a, it’s a 3D X-ray to look inside your mouth and so you can’t dispute that.
And then, for my case, infection going on. What caused the infection that just happened to be where the root canal was? EAV might be hard for some skeptics, but you know, you’re sending electricity through your body and you can’t argue with electricity. And then all the, all the different experiments is that was literally testing every root canal tooth. This is the work that Dr. Boyd Haley, he tested, I can’t remember how many now, but it was like say a thousand root canal tooth and all of them had all very chronic bacteria and stuff that were from botulism to the, basically the highest kind of most toxic forms of bacteria, every tooth had. And then just to make sure it wasn’t just every tooth, he got non-toot canal tooth. So just normal tooth you get extracted tested them and now perfectly fine. So it was like, you know, a hundred percent every root count twos had this really bad infectious bacteria.
So things like that as well. You can’t kind of argue with that. I think when there’s no financial gain, when there’s no financial, then how can you argue with it? It’s like this guy had nothing to gain by doing this. He wasn’t making any money. In fact, the opposite, you know, he got persecuted. So I think now, you know, these, these people, they’re kind of heroes who are doing, doing this stuff for the benefit of, of mankind and not, you know, not just align their pockets. So yeah, I think that’s the, yeah, that’s the conclusion that I’ve come to with science, is that it’s now just people just like saying, you know, science to say this must be true.
Caspar Szulc: 32:38
And then there’s this whole concept that there’s really kind of two sciences, you could say there’s quantum physics which sees things very differently from Newtonian science and most of medicine is still based in Newtonian science. Which is amazing for mechanics engineering. But when applied to the human body, which we know as much more than that, we are not just machines. You run into some problems. And I think that also is you’re speaking two languages I believe. When you’re in a more alternative field and you’re learning about energy and all these different bases that really are the foundation of everything. I mean, Einstein and all the quantum physicist of the beginning of the 20th century proved that already that we’re all energy. That’s it. You have to have the discussion on the same plane of what science are you basing it in? And that at least has been really difficult because I was speaking to a guest not long ago.
It’s like, how do you explain to someone quantum physics?’ Like Einstein couldn’t do that over 30 years. Like, you know, his whole life, he tried to do that and wasn’t able to. And an elevator pitch 15 second short clip there. So I think that’s a big problem too, is that when you’re speaking and you have different aspects of what the science really means, and it’s not to say one’s wrong or one’s right, but it’s changed. Science changes daily. I think that’s a big problem too because you’re, you’re kind of speaking different languages and just yelling at each other in different languages and it doesn’t help promote a true discussion of things. It doesn’t help promote an openmindedness of people to seek out different solutions and it kind of bashes people if you don’t understand the other side.
So, that’s just a little bit of feedback of what I’ve kind of come up against because if you don’t understand that energy part, you know, I was talking to somebody today and they’re like, well what do you mean energy as in ATP energy? It’s like, well no it’s a little bit different than that. So even that definition, right, when you say energy, people think different things and I think that applies to science as well.
I got to ask you this, cause you’ve, you know, you’re a documentary maker. Is there a documentary out there that you would say is a wonderful documentary about health or anything else? Of course yours are amazing, but outside of E-Motion, Root Cause, what, what have you seen a is out there that maybe people should look at?
Frazer Bailey: 35:01
Okay. Well speaking of one of the greats and speaking in quantum physics and that got me on this path was, you know, ‘What the Bleep Do We Know.’ When I saw that the cinema that changed my life forever and that’s inspired that definitely inspired yeah, E-Motion. And then Root Cause definitely, if it wasn’t for that being made, I don’t think I would’ve made those films.
That’s a tricky one. In the health… I mean, there’s quite a few health ones that are very popular at the moment that I think, you know, that I feel a propaganda. Kind of vegan films and stuff that, you know, very, very well made. The ‘Game Changers’ film.
Caspar Szulc: 35:54
What’d you think?
Frazer Bailey: 35:55
Incredibly well-made. One of the best, if not the best-made film the health and wellbeing genre. It was so brilliant. And obviously they had deep, deep pockets behind them, but I don’t believe it. And then, after going back and kind of listening to some stuff, like the MMA guy that they talk about who’s so-called vegan. Joe Rogan said he’s been with him when he eats fish and eggs all the time. So he’s, he’s really a pescatarian kind of thing. And yeah, there’s a lot of brilliantly made. But I think there’s a lot of false information in that film.
Caspar Szulc: 36:43
So what are your thoughts on diet in general after everything you experienced? Cause again, you experienced so much in your journey, it was more about healing than maybe optimization or athletic performance. What do you feel is the perfect diet, I guess for healing or just what you experienced?
Frazer Bailey: 37:01
I mean I just know it works for me. One of the, one of the things I do is the, is the genome diet, which is kind of one step from the blood type diet is that there’s kind of, we’re in six genomes and that kind of makes sense is that, you know, we all don’t need to had the same diet cause we’re different. And it’s like, of course Eskimos eat fruit, their teeth rot, they get extremely sick. You know, cause we’re all made different. So that, that kind of subscribed to that a lot. Like, I’d just kind of take out a lot of the things my list that are bad for me on that. I just try and avoid, you know, definitely avoid wheat. And I think because of the GMOs and stuff that most people should avoid wheat.
And you know, I suppose I’m, I’m kind of not really in any extreme. I’m not paleo, I’m not vegan. I’m, I’m just, I suppose just more of a kind of a balanced diet and I know what, what foods kind of work for me and make me feel good. I know if I have a bunch of sugar that I feel horrible, so I just deferred it kind of thing. So I mean, I, I don’t really want to b…kind of profess to have any answers or data, just that I just do what works for me. And and maybe from your testing you can, you can tell us whether that you found that is that certain people need to avoid certain things and other people can go crazy on it.
Caspar Szulc: 38:24
Absolutely. I mean that, that’s the whole point is that we are individual. You brought that up like an Eskimo can’t eat, like someone who’s in the Mediterranean that just doesn’t work and they’ve been built that way and you, you adapt epigenetics of everything changed. So you know, I’ve always said if you’re not in a state to do true personalization or anything like that, you gotta know yourself and then put quality first. Right? I don’t even care so much. You’ll figure out the what’s over time. Like you said, wheat and other things. But look for quality always. Look for something that’s truly fresh. And a lot of times, again, I was having this discussion with someone like frozen food and frozen vegetables aren’t bad per se. But they probably been plucked in dead for months, if not longer. So the nutritional value starts to go down.
Ultimately, in a perfect world, you’d want to pluck it right off the tree, take it out of the dirt. Knowit was non-GMO. Know that it was made in nourishing soil and be able to eat that as fresh as possible. But I understand we don’t normally live like that anymore. And that may be part of the problem of chronic disease. But to put in a little bit more effort to try and find the highest quality pieces. Like you see it right now with burger King doing their impossible burger. It’s like, all right, you’re going plant based, but is it actually healthy? Hell no. You know, you’re, you’re trying to fool people here and you’re trying to make them think that’s what Subway did so many years ago. Like eat healthy. That’s the most processed crap you could think of it. Right? And it’s not healthy at all.
But there, there are always these, these levels of quality. I’m just saying, try to find your levels as high as possible. And so you’re not eating truly processed. Even if it is something that says it’s organic, but it’s processed. If it’s in a box with a number of ingredients and preservatives, even though it says organic, it’s a product. It is not a true food. Food is the ingredient that goes into it. Right? So, yeah, I think that, you know, getting stuck on one diet is never the answer. I think that we are all different. Someone’s Keto diet may be great for him, but again, it may be great in the short term where you see results in weight loss, but what is that all that extra fat doing to your gall bladder over the years? Will you suddenly have some kind of GI symptom five, 10 years later, like you had a problem with your tooth, you didn’t see it for five to 10 years.
Your body was able to compensate for that long before it actually became something chronic. So that’s even amazing that your body was able to do that. And of course it got a little bit worse every year the infection grew and then it became too much. But probably your body was compensating for a number of years and making it sort of, you know, a balance out somewhat until it couldn’t take it anymore. And I think that’s something we have to think about as we start looking at diets as well. You can get short term results, but that doesn’t mean longterm it’s going to be healthy for us. So I think we got to play the long game there. We got to, you know, look at it as diet as nourishing of course. And not for immediate results but just for feeling good in the longterm.
So those are my thoughts about it. What was some of the best healing advice that you got during your journey? Was there anything that kind of stuck out that you’re like, ‘Hey, that really resonated with me and got me, you know, thinking about things differently?’.
Frazer Bailey: 41:56
What I can talk about is the things that I, that I think, I mean apart from obviously I love cause that’s what got me, cause some of the things before I was, before I knew about this whole paradigm. Some of the things that helped me along the way for people out there who are suffering chronic fatigue is I did a thing called the lightning process. Which is essentially a form of kind of self-hypnosis to kind of go from tired thoughts to energetic thoughts that really helped me out. And that was that that made a big shift.
You know, homeopathy definitely made a big shift. There’s a, there’s a thing called TBM, which is a chiropractic treatment and it’s kind of a cross between Chinese medicine, chiropractics and kinesiology. And so I think it’s TBM to find a practitioner, but that is an amazing modality. It’s, that kind of helped me so much. And that I think TBM was kind of the TBM and the lightning process was really the things that got me kind of out of bed and being able to function, but still in still extremely tired and in pain, but it got me back in the world kind of thing. So, you know, I’d love people to go and check them out.
And I think in terms of, you know, philosophies, I think, I suppose the big thing is holistic, you know, it’s, even though, even though in E-Motion, I’m saying emotion and even in root cause I’m saying it’s, it’s a whole, the root canal. I think it’s, it’s, it’s holistic when it comes to health. It’s diet and nutrition, it’s emotions, it’s, it’s good, clean air and water. It’s you know, it’s getting all the things right. It’s, you know, and then getting all the energies right. W whether it’s [inaudible], chiropractics or acupuncture. So I think holistic is, is the main thing. And I love your system. You know, I remember it from the first days that you have this a pie chart with all the different things from, is it parasites? Is it, is it heavy metals? Is it nutrition? Is it emotions? I love that about your system is that literally breaks down the whole approach of all the different things that it could be. And I think that’s the way, that’s essentially the way you got to look at it is it could be a parasite, it could be heavy metal toxicity, it could be the dental thing, it could be the emotions.
And I think that’s the beauty of your system is that it’s kind of just taking it all and putting it under one kind of umbrella. And then, and then, and then having this genius diagnostic system that with the Lecher antenna that takes the, takes the guesswork out of it and really kind of fast-tracks people from stop doing what I did and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars looking for answers. Like I could have saved myself a truck load of money if I went straight straight to you and then got given the answers.
Caspar Szulc: 45:14
Yeah. I mean it really is about looking at things holistically. But the problem Frazer is that that’s not sexy because it doesn’t give you an answer. And nowadays everyone wants the answer of what do I do? And when I get asked that question, I’m like, I have no clue. It could be like a million things that you have to do until you really, you know, peel back and look under the hood then I don’t know. And people like, ah, you know, the other guy had a better answer that I should do this, this and this and I will get better. Now is that going to work? Probably not, but it’s, it’s, an unsexy answer. It’s not even that marketable, but I believe it’s the right answer. And I don’t know if it’ll come around to people cause people love fats. They love just attach themselves to it. Celery juice, it’s ketogenic. It’s the microbiome, right? It’s your turn and that’s easy to get behind. And then you just kind of go down that rabbit hole and find the research that affirms that and then you find the people, Oh I got better just doing this one thing when in reality you’re never just doing one thing cause you don’t live in a vacuum and you’re doing lots of things throughout the day that can impact it. But I’m hoping that if you’re listening to take, you know, Frazer’s advice that you have to look at all these different pieces. I mean you went down so many different routes and you experienced so much that I think you could step back and see all of them there and say they all have a place.
Maybe this didn’t work alone for me. But it has a place in medicine and I believe that’s what Innovative Medicine is about. It’s about seeing the whole picture, really taking that step back and be able to say you’re all viable, all these Amazonian frog therapy, to this root canal, reconstruction and looking at dental foci – that’s all there. But you know, it’s going to take a different mindset. It’s going to take stepping away maybe from some of the fad areas and stop going down rabbit holes, but take that 30,000 foot view. So I really do like that advice. Are you working on any documentaries right now? What’s new for you and what’s, what’s coming up?
Frazer Bailey: 47:21
I’ve been, well there’s two things. I’ve been doing a lot of research in the field of the stem cells. So I’ve kind of interviewed a lot of, a lot of doctors on STEM cells. And you know, met some amazing doctors along the way. I’ve still got to figure out how to kind of tell the story, like there’s one thing interviewing people and stuff, but how to, how to kind of gel it all into an entertaining story is, is kind of bit tricky for me at the moment. And the other thing that I’ve been doing, I haven’t been interviewing many people, but EMFs is the other thing I’ve been doing a lot of research on. So yeah, it’s kind of, it’s a bit of a rabbit hole when you go down that one and obviously, yeah, people were becoming aware of 5G and the dangers.
So essentially I’m want to come up with the solution, like if we can’t stop 5G. And then, you know, we’ve got, we’ve got, we’re all carrying around these mobile phones 24/7 trying to find what’s the best approach to yeah, to basically get ourselves away from these harmful frequencies and, and perhaps give ourselves the ones of the healing frequencies that we need. So, you know, I’m kind of just looking at different products and stuff and I have no attachment to any anyone’s product. I just kind of want to find the best and, and promote it essentially. So that’s the other kind of a bit of research I’ve been doing.
Caspar Szulc: 48:58
Yeah, both awesome topics. I mean, we briefly discussed on a separate call like EMF. I’ve done podcasts on that. It’s a huge issue. 5G is just going to, you know, really take it any even bigger issue and really put a, I think a spotlight on some things people get sick, although it’s very hard to connect those things. The stem cell one is also really interesting. Are you starting to formulate a better idea of the possibilities with stem cells? Because it is so avant-garde and people are very all over the place and very opinionated on it. With what you’ve seen so far, are you seeing like, Hey, this could be really promising?
Frazer Bailey: 49:39
Oh, I think, no doubt. I think the stem cells, obviously it’s extremely expensive, so it’s kind of only available to the rich at the moment. Hopefully that’ll change. But I mean, from what I’m seeing, I could be wrong, but you know, I mean my country is extremely restricted. Like you can’t get the good stuff. And then what I’m seeing in your country is that they’re kind of slowly starting to take it away and the big players are being attacked. And yeah, I mean, from what I’ve seen and heard and the testimonials I’ve witnessed already, it’s mindblowing healing potential. And there is a bit of a case cause there’s different, there’s, there’s, there’s different stem cells mainly, but the two main ones is getting your own fat. And then the other one is the umbilical stem cells. Now depending, which can you talk to, they’ll tell you that there’s is the best.
Yeah. So I’m trying, I can’t tell you then the answer to that one. They both had very convincing arguments. But yeah, I think if you’ve got the money, especially like injury stuff like, you know, knee and shoulder injuries, so you don’t have to have a knee replacement and, and surgery, it’s, it’s fantastic. Like if you have the money now you know, do your homework and find a great practitioner cause there’s a lot of cowboys in that game as there is with new stuff like that. But the good guys and the people I’ve interviewed they’re doing amazing healing results and literally curing the incurable. Things like MS and stuff and really hard things to cure. They’re getting phenomenal results with. So definitely if you have a bit of, if you have some money, then definitely something worth looking into.
Caspar Szulc: 51:36
Yeah, I think that is definitely at the forefront of what’s to come in medicine. I do think that there are a lot of questions of how to utilize it best, especially when you’re talking about very complex conditions with multifaceted. But I do agree injuries, some other condition, it definitely will thrive. We’ve seen great results in PRP, platelet-rich plasma, just an injection sites activating with chromotherapy and then injecting that into knees, joints, and seeing along with things like PEMF, laser therapy, and everything else as a combined integrative and holistic approach that that’s had great promise. So I can only imagine if you added something like stem cells in which again are pretty you know, aren’t accepted yet so much in the United States and a tough to come by. And very expensive. But I’d love to see that you know, improve and have more accessibility because there’s so much, great stuff out there. So I’m looking forward to that. When do you think that will be available – that documentary?
Frazer Bailey: 52:39
So it’s a hard one to answer just cause I’m trying to find the, the great story to glue it together and like, it took me a long time for Root Cause. For, for people or was actually, it wasn’t even my idea. It was one of my close friends, Trent, who’s a great writer who says it’s it who told me it’s gotta be your story. But I said, you know, my story is boring. It’s not your story, but told with comedy and dah, dah, dah. So he was the one that kind of solve the, so the story problem for me kind of thing. And that’s kind of where I’m at now with this one is okay, I’ve got all these amazing talking heads of great doctors saying how good stem cells are. And then obviously the logical thing to do is to follow someone’s journey kind of thing. But it’s just like, yeah, it’s just like, how do I make this the most entertaining kind of documentary there is. And not just a bunch of kind of talking heads saying how great STEM cells are kind of thing.
Caspar Szulc: 53:42
Yeah. Have you connected at all with Dave Asprey? Cause I mean he always touts himself as a person with the most stem cell therapies, you know, over time.
Frazer Bailey: 53:51
Yeah. We we are, we are, well actually I tried to interview him and I kind of got declined so maybe you can say segway me in.
Caspar Szulc: 54:00
Yeah. I mean I’ve been on the podcast there and then we go back and forth. He uses some of our products and everything. So I’ll connect you to, and maybe that’s another angle you could go at. Who knows, because I want to see this done because I do think what you bring to light in the documentary is really has a great purpose in not just pushing medicine forward but pushing our understanding of what health is forward. Right? Like so many people after, I know when I spoke to people about root cause like I never would have connected teeth to the body. And that’s how most people think. It’s just, you know, totally separate and it stops right there in your mouth and there’s no connection to anything else. And that’s how the majority of people think when that’s not truly factual. The teeth are incredibly poor and every single part of your body is incredibly hard, right? There’s no one that you could just take it out, nothing would happen. So, you know, I, I hope that gets made. And for people who want to watch Root Cause, where can they go to, to watch that now?
Frazer Bailey: 54:59
So there’s number, you know, there’s the, the website is and then there’s iTunes that they’re kind of the main two. We’re still trying to work on another deal. So, so we have a distributor in America and they’re still trying to get a deal, whether it’s, you know, Apple TV or whoever.
To try and get it out there to as many eyeballs as possible. Because for me, it’s like, it’s not about the money. I make money doing TV commercials and I just want to get out there. And Netflix was, was a brilliant platform for getting this information out there? And I kind of feel like the genie’s out of the bottle and hopefully it’s a hundred monkey effect that, yeah. In time that the root canals will be disappeared from the dentist system.
Caspar Szulc: 55:56
I think always when you put something out there first, it’s radical. It’s kind of, you know, over time it’s sort of like, well yeah, like you said before, cigarettes were once like, yeah, how could these be bad for you? And then it wasn’t upward when people started saying, well, maybe they’re not that great, right? You got a lot of pushback, people don’t remember. And then finally it was excepted, Hey, they are not good for you. Right? So that, that’s what happens over and over in time. And I do hope that at least people have option to see it make up their own mind. Right? I’m not telling people how to think and what to believe in, but given this and being aware of certain information that allows you to make better choices for your health and when you’re restricted that doesn’t give you the power, just only take hold of your health. And so I really do hope that that gets out there more. Any last thoughts or anything you want to share with the audiences as we close this out?
Frazer Bailey: 56:51
Not really. I mean obviously, I just can’t thank you and your father enough for the work you do. And yeah, for literally setting my life on a different path. So, you know, I would feel very, very grateful for stumbling across your system and your father and you, and yeah just encourage people who are curious about it to check it out cause it definitely changed my life.
Caspar Szulc: 57:19
Well thank you Frazer, and you know your chancing counter made me see that there are no chance encounters. Cause I remember just thinking like I was, I was reluctant. I’m like I don’t know if we should be testing this Aussie guy. Like what if he’s like not into it and we find something weird and it ended up like we’ve had this friendship going on for years now. It kind of supported each other and I love what it’s become all because of that chance encounter. So it really is one of those things that makes me see like everything out there. The universe has some kind of plan to it and it’s great to just be able to go with the flow and meet people such as yourself and others that are doing such great things because they were brought into this awareness field and saw something a little bit different. So thank you so much for everything and I’m hoping people keep watching Root Cause. It gets out there more and I’m looking forward to the new documentaries and everything else you got going on.
Frazer Bailey: 58:12
Awesome. Great talking.
Caspar Szulc: 58:14
I’m incredibly thankful to have met Fraser many years ago and to be sharing his story the way he shared it with so many through his documentaries. Each of our journeys is incredibly unique and while may be surprising to some that something as innocuous as an issue with your tooth can lead to such chronic and debilitating illness. We have to understand that the body is all interconnected and your teeth are not excluded from this. If you haven’t seen Root Cause or E-motion, please do expand your awareness. Empower yourself through knowledge, support others who have been healed or are healing and now sharing their experiences and then shape your own healing story.
See how we can help you restore complete health of body, mind & spirit.
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