Gerson Therapy

A microbiome shifting nutritional therapy that involves juicing, diet restrictions and coffee enemas.

Other Names:

Juicing, Coffee Enemas


Biological, Lifestyle

Helpful for:

Cancer Support, Immunity, Toxicity

Created by:

Dr. Max Gerson

Introduction to Gerson Therapy

Gerson Therapy is a safe and natural, full microbiome shifting, and mostly nutritional therapy aimed at revitalizing the body’s own healing potential by removing as much of the accumulated toxic burdens as possible and increasing oxygenation to all affected cells. The protocol involves juicing, a strict alkaline dietary regimen, specific supplements, and daily coffee enemas. The therapy is used in various diseases including cancer, degenerative diseases, heart disease and more. The therapy, created by Dr. Max Gerson, was first noted in the 1930s as a treatment for a type of tuberculosis and other uses for the therapy were seen as effective later on.

Over the last 50 years, our industrially advanced society has been increasingly exposed to more toxins, chemicals, prescription drugs, and poor quality food, water, and air than ever before. As a result, the population faces more complex and chronic conditions adversely impacting a once natural, healthy environment and ecosystem. We can now certainly point out two underlying causes of chronic diseases such as toxicity and deficiency and must take steps to restore and detoxify our bodies through natural remedies and healthy lifestyles.

Dr. Gerson reasoned that many common diseases were brought about by toxic, altered, and harmful food, water and air. Constant consumption and contact with these toxins lead to serious detrimental conditions. The Gerson therapy seeks to regenerate the body to health with a diet that consists of almost 20 pounds of organically grown fruits and vegetables daily as well as a progressive detoxification program using coffee enemas.

While every individual responds differently, the Gerson Therapy has been witnessed to have impressive results in patients suffering from the following diseases: melanoma, lymphoma, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Gerson Therapy can be used as a complementary therapy to help achieve a better quality of life, even in cases where full recovery may not seem possible.

Benefits of Gerson Therapy

Clinical experience has shown that Gerson therapy may be used for a number of conditions and issues and that the benefits include:

  • Activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through specific and selective dietary guidelines
  • Implements fresh and organic products which help to detoxify and regenerate the liver.
  • Boosts the body’s own defense to fight disease with an increase in oxygenation

How Gerson Therapy Works

Gerson therapy treats the underlying causes of disease: toxicity and nutritional deficiency. It heals the body as a whole, rather than selectively targeting a specific condition or symptom. Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to assist in their recovery from chronic degenerative diseases.

The therapy utilizes juicing of fruits and vegetables in order to saturate the body with the essential enzymes, minerals, and nutrients needed for rejuvenating effects. Throughout the day, it is recommended that a person drink 1 cup of organic juice, 13 times daily. Raw and cooked solid foods are eaten in moderation. A result of the diet is an increase in oxygenation (usually more than doubled), an essential matter for combating degenerative diseases. The metabolism is also stimulated through the addition of natural supplements by avoiding heavy animal fats, excess protein, sodium, and other toxins.

Detoxification is also a very important element of Gerson therapy. Years of toxic overload must be addressed in order to stimulate a healing effect. Coffee enemas are one of the most effective and natural ways to detoxify and support the body. It has been reported that patients who employ enemas stimulate healing and relieve pain. This has been shown to enhance the body’s ability to eliminate toxins from environmental, chemotherapeutic agents, and other harmful substances. The enemas work partly because of the presence of caffeine, which smooths muscles and causes dilation of blood vessels and bile ducts. Another benefit of using coffee is that it contains enzymes called palmitates which stimulate the liver to eliminate toxins.

The following is a typical daily diet for a Gerson patient on the full therapy regimen:

Thirteen glasses of fresh, raw carrot/apple and green-leaf juices prepared hourly from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Three full vegetarian meals, freshly prepared from organically grown fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A typical meal will include salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, vegetable soup, and juice.
Fresh fruit and fresh fruit dessert available at all hours for snacking, in addition to the regular diet.

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Behind the Science

Science & Safety

Fruit and vegetables contain phenolic compounds, which are known for their antioxidative, immunomodulary and antigenotoxic effects. In 2014/15, researchers at the UCLA School of Medicine found that a three-day juice cleanse encourages a healthy balance of microflora in the belly. It was also concluded that juicing significantly increased plasma nitric oxide, increased stool abundance of Bacteroidetes and Cyanobactera and decreased Firmicutes and Proteobacteria.

An NCI-sponsored study of Gonzalez therapy, which is similar to the Gerson diet, showed that patients with inoperable pancreatic adenocarcinoma who underwent standard chemotherapy with gemcitabine (Gemzar) survived three times longer and had better quality of life than those who chose enzyme treatment, which included pancreatic enzymes, nutritional supplements, detoxification, and an organic diet.


Where does Gerson Therapy fall on the medical spectrum?

Gerson Therapy falls under the ‘Alternative Medicine’ section of the medical spectrum.

Alternative Medicine

Also known as holistic medicine, it is the study and application of nature, botany, energy, and technology to bring the body back to balance and address the root causes of disease without detrimental side effects, toxins and chemicals, or a lifetime of intervention.

Biological Medicine

Also known as European Biological Medicine, this modality, popular in Germany and Switzerland, applies numerous therapies that aim to restore the body’s regulatory and self-healing capacity by promoting proper regeneration on a cellular and organ level.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine is the most recognized and practiced section of the medical spectrum that includes pharmacological drugs, surgical procedures, lab testing, and more in an attempt to reduce symptoms and manage disease. 

Conventional Therapies

The Innovative Medicine approach considers all conventional options and appropriately prescribes or refers patients to specialists in which this approach would be most suited.

Emotional Therapies

Mental health and the study of mind-body medicine is an integral part of the medical spectrum that can often go overlooked and unaddressed.

Psycho-Emotional Intervention

The study of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) has shown how our thoughts and psychological state impact our biochemistry and can lead to disease. Any comprehensive treatment plan must address psychological stress to be successful.

Spiritual Practices & Therapies

We often confuse spiritual practices with religion, but the role of spirituality, consciousness, awareness, purpose, and information on a quantum level is incredibly important in healing.

Receiving Therapy

Recieving Gerson Therapy

At our clinic, the New York Center for Innovative Medicine (NYCIM), we are able to advise whether a patient would benefit from Gerson Therapy and recommend a trained practitioner. We also have many other therapeutic options available.

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Resources & Experts

Frequently Asked Questions

Gerson Therapy is a safe and natural, full microbiome shifting, and mostly nutritional therapy aimed at revitalizing the body’s own healing potential by removing as much of the accumulated toxic burdens as possible and increasing oxygenation to all affected cells. The protocol involves juicing, a strict alkaline dietary regimen, specific supplements, and daily coffee enemas. The therapy is used in various diseases including cancer, degenerative diseases, heart disease and more. The therapy, created by Dr. Max Gerson, was first noted in the 1930s as a treatment for a type of tuberculosis and other uses for the therapy were seen as effective later on.

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