Bioptron Light Therapy

Medically reviewed by
Stephanie Klein, MSN, FNP-C

Bioptron hyperpolarized light therapy is a proven medical treatment using light therapy to treat many common ailments.

Other Names:

Hyperpolarized light therapy, Polarized light treatment


Anti-Aging, Energy

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Created by:

Zepter Group

Introduction to Bioptron Light Therapy 

Bioptron Light Therapy, or Hyperlight Therapy System, is a patented and clinically proven treatment method used to treat many common problems and concerns. Bioptron light therapy is a polarized light treatment, meaning it can penetrate the skin to provide results to deep tissue, cells, and muscles. There is no ultraviolet light involved with Bioptron hyperpolarized light therapy so there is no risk of burning or tanning effects of the skin.

Bioptron Light therapy supplies light therapy with five specific features:

  • Linear polarized light
  • Hyperpolarized light
  • Polychromatic light
  • Incoherent light
  • Low-energy light

By using these features, Bioptron light therapy can stimulate as well as accelerate healing.

Benefits of Bioptron Light Therapy

There are many proven benefits of Bioptron light therapy, with a major benefit being wound healing. Bioptron light therapy can treat wounds caused from trauma, surgery, and burns.

Wounds caused by venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, and diabetic foot ulcers can take an extremely long time to heal based on the nature of the wound. Bioptron light therapy helps accelerate wound healing by accelerating the process in which cells are repaired. Bioptron light therapy also helps reduce the risk of infection which is often a major set back with chronic wound healing.

In addition to wound healing, Bioptron light therapy can reduce pain caused by arthritis, sports injuries, and wounds in as little as a ten minutes session.

Pain caused by poor circulation is addressed with Bioptron light therapy thanks to its ability to increase blood flow and increase oxygen levels.

There are many dermatologic and anti aging benefits of Bioptron light therapy. BIoptron light therapy supports healthy skin cell production, improves the body’s ability to repair damaged skin cells, and reduces inflammation. This can be extremely helpful in treating acne, eczema, gum disease, and cold sores to name a few.

By stimulating collagen production to the surface of the skin, the resulting effect is smoother skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles. Bioptron therapy reduces blemishes and discoloration caused by sun damage and free radicals by increasing circulation to the surface of the skin.

Sports injuries can become chronic if not treated properly. Bioptron Hyperlight therapy helps reduce inflammation and stimulate rapid healing of many common sports injuries. Muscle spasms, sprains, tendonitis, and tennis elbow are a few of the many common sports injuries Bioptron light therapy can help treat by reducing pain and reducing healing time.

How Bioptron Light Therapy works

When exploring how Bioptron light therapy works, understanding the advanced technology is necessary. The device uses something called Tesla Hyperlight Optics® which integrates within its optics a substance called C60. C60 is also called Buckminsterfullerene and is a type of fullerene that contains 60 carbon atoms that form a structure that looks like a hollow soccer ball. The unique structure allow light to interact in a way that twists it at a near-inconceivable 18 billion times per second. This unprecedented, perfectly-ordered Hyperpolarized Light, called Quantum Hyperlight, with its unique photon pattern, arranged by the Fibonacci Law, is the ideal energy-structure/symmetry that is fully compatible with our biostructures.

Clinically proven and certified for the medical treatment of pain, Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy penetrates deep into the tissue, accelerating healing, radically reducing inflammation and promoting blood circulation. The therapy decreases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, and increases anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as TGF –β and IL-10, in the irradiated region, reducing locally the inflammation of the affected epithelium (Falus et al., 2011, Zhevago, 2006). These cytokines are also implicated in the processes of chronic inflammation. In addition, Bioptron reduces pain by stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which decreases the over-stimulation of somatic peripheral nerves and increases vasodilatation, diminishing in parallel the ischemic pain (Gaspariyan et al., 2005; Samoilova et al., 2008).

When treating wounds, Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy stimulates fibroblasts, which are vital cells needed in the wound healing process. When a wound is treated with Bioptron, fibroblasts are mobilized to the wound and speeds up the cellular regeneration process.

Bioptron light therapy penetrates deep into the skin and produces a biological response, called photobiostimulation. This increases collagen production which is how it assists in connective tissue repair, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and increasing elasticity in the skin. This function improves wound healing and helps restore the skin’s appearance.

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Behind the Science

Science & Safety

A 2018 study evaluating the effects of polarized polychromatic light on pediatric scars caused by burns, showed drastic improvement in scar score based on the Vancouver Scar Scoring system. By assessing vascularity, color, thickness, and pliability of the scar – patients treated with light therapy had greater improvement than the control group. Patients were between 3 and 7 years old (total of 30 patients) with no reported adverse events.

Bioptron hyperpolarized light therapy was shown to reduce pain and improve function dn strength in a study of 25 patients with chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy. The trial compared patients utilizing an exercise program alone versus exercise program plus polarized polychromatic noncoherent light. No side effects were reported during or after this trial.

A study done with mice showed the use of Bioptron light therapy to be as effective for pain relief as many over the counter pain medications like ibuprofen (Motrin). When light therapy and the pain medication were combined, pain relief was enhanced as well. Although this trial was done in mice, it shows promise for the use of Bioptron therapy as an alternative or complementary treatment for pain.


Where does Bioptron fall on the medical spectrum?

Bioptron hyperpolarized light therapy falls under ‘Energy Medicine’ section of the medical spectrum.

Alternative Medicine

Also known as holistic medicine, it is the study and application of nature, botany, energy, and technology to bring the body back to balance and address the root causes of disease without detrimental side effects, toxins and chemicals, or a lifetime of intervention.

Biological Medicine

Also known as European Biological Medicine, this modality, popular in Germany and Switzerland, applies numerous therapies that aim to restore the body’s regulatory and self-healing capacity by promoting proper regeneration on a cellular and organ level.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine is the most recognized and practiced section of the medical spectrum that includes pharmacological drugs, surgical procedures, lab testing, and more in an attempt to reduce symptoms and manage disease. 

Conventional Therapies

The Innovative Medicine approach considers all conventional options and appropriately prescribes or refers patients to specialists in which this approach would be most suited.

Emotional Therapies

Mental health and the study of mind-body medicine is an integral part of the medical spectrum that can often go overlooked and unaddressed.

Psycho-Emotional Intervention

The study of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) has shown how our thoughts and psychological state impact our biochemistry and can lead to disease. Any comprehensive treatment plan must address psychological stress to be successful.

Spiritual Practices & Therapies

We often confuse spiritual practices with religion, but the role of spirituality, consciousness, awareness, purpose, and information on a quantum level is incredibly important in healing.

Receiving Therapy

Bioptron Light Therapy – Receiving Treatments

The New York Center of Innovative Medicine (NYCIM) offers Bioptron hyperpolarized light therapy. However, the use of this or any of our numerous therapeutic options is only performed on patients after an in-depth health evaluation. Our ultimate goal is the complete restoration of health in the most efficient and safe manner, and with so many therapeutic options, it is impossible to know if Bioptron light therapy is right for you without an initial evaluation at our clinic.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Bioptron light therapy is a medical treatment which utilizes polarized light to penetrate beneath this skin to provide many benefits.

Bioptron hyperpolarized light therapy uses a combination of light features including polarized, polychromatic, incoherent, low energy light from a halogen bulb.

The duration of Bioptron light therapy depends on the intention of the treatment. A medical professional will determine the treatment length during your evaluation.

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Bioptron Light Therapy

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