7 Ways to Avoid “Winter Blues Disorder”

7 Ways to Avoid “Winter Blues Disorder” 

In the scorching center of summer, the fantasy of winter might include things like toasty toes by a fireplace while sipping hot cocoa, sparkly snowflakes swirling on a crisp breeze, snowboarding and après-skis, and, let not forget, holly-jolly holiday festivities and feasts. However, as the days get shorter and the nights get longer and temperatures dip closer to the mercury bulb, summer fantasy becoming winter reality can feel like a snowball to the face. The winter blues aren’t wonderous.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to avoid or alleviate winter blues disorder.

What is the difference between winter blues and seasonal affective disorder?

Winter blues disorder and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are not the same thing. The winter blues can be generally characterized as waves of mild sadness (mild winter depression), lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, low energy, and the desire to overindulge in Netflix instead of socializing with friends and family. Episodes of the winter blues are common and can feel like mild depression. However, the winter blues don’t greatly affect one’s ability to carry out normal, everyday tasks and responsibilities and don’t usually last the entirety of winter.

SAD, on the other hand, is a major depressive disorder that limits normal functioning. Symptoms of SAD can lead to an inability to find joy in things that in other seasons make one happy, social withdrawal and extreme isolation, self-medication through drugs or alcohol, and sleep (e.g., insomnia or oversleeping) and eating (e.g., overeating) issues.

7 Ways to Avoid Winter Blues Disorder

The winter blues don’t have to be an inevitability. In fact, it is possible to avoid them altogether. Through simple lifestyle practices, you can maintain the sunny disposition of summer in the dark days of winter.


Blue light therapy

The further away you live from the equator, the shorter the days are in the winter. This season of less light affects the body’s circadian rhythm, which, in turn, can affect our mood, metabolism, and cognitive function. Artificial light therapy can supplement the seasonal shortage of natural light and help regulate your circadian rhythm and serotonin production. Just thirty minutes of blue light therapy using a light box each morning (with a brightness level of 10,000 lux) can help you ward off the winter blues.

Morning sunlight exposure

Exposure to the full-spectrum sunlight in the morning causes a spark between your eyes and brain, signaling that it is time to stop producing melatonin and start releasing serotonin, an important neurochemical responsible for regulating mood (low serotonin levels are linked to depression) and supporting your daytime activities.


Sauna bathing is a whole-body thermotherapy and self-care practice that can help stop or alleviate the winter blues. Saunas have been used for thousands of years across cultures for hygiene, health, social, and spiritual purposes. The benefits include detoxification, increased metabolism, increased blood circulation, improved sleep, improved immune function, stress management, and relaxation.

Social connections

While some of us are naturally more social than others, we all need social connection; our health and happiness depend on it. Social isolation and loneliness can increase depressive symptoms in any season. In winter, while it might be more tempting to just stay in your sweatpants and binge watch Netflix (this is ok sometimes) than go out and socialize, hermitizing can hurt your mental health.

You definitely don’t have to force yourself to be a social snow bunny all the time, but connecting with friends and family throughout the season is a good way to beat the winter blues.

Vitamin D

Sunlight stimulates the production of cholecalciferol, which your body transforms into vitamin D. While vitamin D is important for bone health (vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption), it has also been shown to play a vital role in regulating mood and decreasing the risk of depression. Since sunlight exposure is often less during the winter, it is only natural that vitamin D levels from sunlight drop. Fortunately, you can also get vitamin D from your diet and in supplement form, which is especially necessary when consistent sunlight is lacking.

Kale, spinach, mushrooms, and white beans are rich in vitamin D. Vegetable soup, anyone?

Regular exercise

Regular exercise is an integral part of all-year-round wellness. However, during the winter months, regular exercise can further help safeguard you against the winter blue due to the release of endorphins (happy, feel-good hormones). For the ultimate winter blues eliminator, take your exercise outdoors (brisk walk, run, bike ride) first thing in the morning (soaking in the sunshine) and then follow up with a sauna.


Nature is the greatest guide. In the natural world (which we need to remember we are a part of), wintertime is a time of withdrawal, slowing down, rest, hibernation, regeneration, and rejuvenation. It is the dormant season where plants and animals prepare for the awakening, growth, and renewal that come with spring. Winter is the perfect month to go inward and allow for introspection. 

You can use this naturally inert season to reflect on and manifest what you want to create and bring into your life during the blooms of spring. Don’t fight the slow flow of winter, and instead embrace the downtime. By giving into the natural rhythms of winter, you can flow right past the winter blues.

Want to learn more seasonal wellness practices? Explore Innovative Medicine’s collection of articles and podcasts




Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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