The Story of the Blood Sugar Fix with Dr. James DiNicolantonio
Diabetes is one of the oldest diseases of civilization ever described. Today, its estimated that up to 400 million people in the world have diabetes. The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2030, diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death in the world. Based on that estimate, global expenditure on diabetes and its related healthcare will exceed $1 Trillion dollars. Well, we’re going to see if we can avoid all this doom and gloom from happening. This is the Story of the Blood Sugar Fix with Dr. James DiNicolantonio.
This is the Story of the Blood Sugar Fix with Dr. James DiNicolantonio.
The Blood Sugar Fix
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And by the time, you know, you’re 16, 20 years old, you’re metabolically broken that you can’t even really handle much more than 40 grams of sugar per day.
– Dr. James DiNicolantonio
Episode Highlights
- Watch the Entire Episode
- The Diabetes and Sugar Addiction Epidemic
- How Oils, Fats, and Micronutrients Play a Role In Blood Sugar
- Obesity, Metabolic Flexibility, Autoimmune Issues, and The Blood Sugar Fix
- What Role Does Big Food Play in the Diabetes Crisis?
- Supplements to Optimize Blood Sugar, Intermittent Fasting, and Glucose Monitoring

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