Neural Therapy

Medically reviewed by
Stephanie Klein, MSN, FNP-C

Neural Therapy is a method of using trigger point injections to provide pain relief and aid in numerous chronic conditions.

Other Names:

Trigger point injections



Helpful for:

Energy Imbalances, Fatigue, Cardiac Conditions, Lyme Disease, GI Issues, Sensitivities (Food, Chemical, EMF)

Created by:

Huneke Brothers

Introduction to Neural Therapy

Neural therapy, also known as therapeutic local anesthesia (TLA) or therapeutic neural blockade, is the injection of local anesthetics into carefully selected points of the body. These trigger point injections can greatly improve a variety of chronic conditions. Neural therapy is a comprehensive healing system well known in Europe, especially in Germany.

This holistic therapy focuses on the relief of chronic pain and long-term illness. Various symptoms can be stopped by injecting local anesthetics into scars, acupuncture points, peripheral nerves, and glands.

Benefits of Neural Therapy

Neural therapy has been used in the treatment of hundreds of conditions including:

  • Depression
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Dizziness
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Skin diseases
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Ulcers
  • Chronic bowel problems
  • Prostate and bladder problems
  • Migraines
  • Kidney disease
  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Other soft-tissue injuries

Neural therapy addresses these common diagnoses by various methods. These trigger point injections help stabilize the membranes surrounding nerves which are creating an imbalance, and therefore symptoms. Mast cells, which work as part of the immune response and often are responsible for inducing allergy type symptoms, are also stabilized with neural therapy injections.

Neural therapy promotes blood vessel dilation, therefore increasing circulation to bring blood and nutrients to areas in need. It also helps reduce and prevent edema, or swelling. Stimulating blood vessel growth factors and regeneration to promote healing are among the additional benefits of neural therapy injections.

How Neural Therapy Injections Works

‘Interference fields’ are areas of chronic inflammatory material that cannot be removed or metabolized naturally. Interference fields consist of lymphocytes/ plasmocytes infiltration and a disaggregation of the base substance.

For example, scars create aberrant electrical fields which create confusion in the nervous system. Neural therapy works to take the aberrant signals and shut them down so the nervous system can reset itself, allowing the body to return to a state of balance and well-being.

Neural therapy, as suggested by its name, aims to rectify the functioning of the autonomic nervous system of the body.

Neural therapy works by correcting dysfunctions in the autonomic nervous system. Organs, glands, nervous system, and body tissues are able to function better by eliminating disturbances of the body’s electrophysiology (interference fields) with precise trigger point injections. This restoration of function helps eliminate chronic disease conditions. One possible explanation for this improvement is neural therapy increases circulation to injured tissues and organs.

One of the most accepted medical theories of neural therapy is the ground-system theory. The ground-system refers to the extracellular space (the matrix) composed of the fibroblast in interstitial fluids, where there are endings of the autonomic nervous system, ending capillaries of the arterial system, and the beginning capillaries of the venous and lymphatic systems. The proper function of this space is necessary for the health of the cells, organs, systems, and the whole body. Neural therapy aims to regulate the abnormal neuronal information (signals) within the ground-system.

The various techniques utilized in neural therapy include:

  • Direct infiltration of scars or affected area
  • Autonomic ganglia or plexus blocks
  • Cranial nerve blocks
  • Peripheral nerve blocks
  • Perivascular injections
  • Intraspinal injections: epidural, paravertebral, etc.
  • Segmental therapy
  • Injection into foci
  • Injection into affected joints
  • Acupuncture point injections
  • Ear acupuncture injections

Neural therapy injections involve injecting a small amount of anesthetic into certain biologic points or scars in order to free any energy blocks in the physical body. Very small needles are used to minimize discomfort.

In many ways, it is similar to acupuncture but more powerful. More often than not, response to treatment of an interference field is temporary, sometimes lasting less than a day. However, even a very short response is encouraging and indicates that treatment should be attempted again. Each time an interference field is treated; there should be a longer response. Treatment is repeated until it is no longer required.

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Behind the Science

Science & Safety

A study of 280 chronic pain patients were treated with neural therapy injections. Their results were measured after a one year follow up. After one year, 74.1% of patients needed fewer or no pain medications at all for their chronic pain condition. Researchers concluded the results indicated a cycle of pain had been broken for these patients who previously had no long term relief from their pain. There were no adverse events or complications during this trial.

A multi-center trial including 72 patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were treated with a combination of neural therapy and exercise therapy. Researchers found patients who received neural therapy and exercise therapy had significantly greater improvement in pain and increased emotional well-being when compared to the group who only received exercise therapy. This shows how neural therapy can be a beneficial treatment when combined with traditional methods.

A 2013 study compared neural therapy and physical therapy in the treatment of chronic low back pain. Researchers found patients treated with neural therapy had similar improvements in pain, function, depression, and overall quality of life when compared to the physical therapy group making neural therapy a useful alternative method when managing chronic low back pain.

Another study looked at the efficacy of neural therapy when combined with stretching exercises to treat low back pain caused by piriformis syndrome. After six sessions of the combination therapy, patients had more obvious improvement in pain and disability scores when compared to the control group (stretching exercises only). This study consisted of 102 patients and is another example of how neural therapy can be an excellent addition to someone’s pain treatment plan.


Where does Neural Therapy fall on the medical spectrum?

Neural Therapy falls under ‘Biological Medicine’ section of the medical spectrum.

Alternative Medicine

Also known as holistic medicine, it is the study and application of nature, botany, energy, and technology to bring the body back to balance and address the root causes of disease without detrimental side effects, toxins and chemicals, or a lifetime of intervention.

Biological Medicine

Also known as European Biological Medicine, this modality, popular in Germany and Switzerland, applies numerous therapies that aim to restore the body’s regulatory and self-healing capacity by promoting proper regeneration on a cellular and organ level.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine is the most recognized and practiced section of the medical spectrum that includes pharmacological drugs, surgical procedures, lab testing, and more in an attempt to reduce symptoms and manage disease. 

Conventional Therapies

The Innovative Medicine approach considers all conventional options and appropriately prescribes or refers patients to specialists in which this approach would be most suited.

Emotional Therapies

Mental health and the study of mind-body medicine is an integral part of the medical spectrum that can often go overlooked and unaddressed.

Psycho-Emotional Intervention

The study of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) has shown how our thoughts and psychological state impact our biochemistry and can lead to disease. Any comprehensive treatment plan must address psychological stress to be successful.

Spiritual Practices & Therapies

We often confuse spiritual practices with religion, but the role of spirituality, consciousness, awareness, purpose, and information on a quantum level is incredibly important in healing.

Receiving Therapy

Neural Therapy Protocol – Receiving Treatments

The New York Center of Innovative Medicine (NYCIM) is happy to offer patients Neural Therapy. However, the use of this or any of our numerous therapeutic options is only performed on patients after an in-depth health evaluation. Our ultimate goal is the complete restoration of health in the most efficient and safe manner, and with so many therapeutic options, it is impossible to know if Neural Therapy is right for you without an initial evaluation at our clinic.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Neural Therapy uses trigger point injections to provide pain relief and restore function.

Trigger point injections focus on knotted up tissues and muscles, while neural therapy focuses on other areas including scar tissue, acupuncture points, and areas related to the nervous system to treat pain.

Interference fields are areas of chronic inflammation that consist of cells and tissues that can’t be naturally removed or metabolized.

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Neural Therapy

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