What Is Laser Therapy Used to Treat?

What happens when light enters the bloodstream?

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation

There is a long history in medicine of exposing blood to light. But how does this work? First, blood is extracted from a patient with a chronic infection. The blood is then irradiated with UV or other beneficial lights and pathogens like viruses and bacteria are destroyed before the blood is reintroduced back into the bloodstream.

This procedure is very safe, very effective, and provides powerful immunoprotective benefits. But as Dr. Michael Weber knows, this therapy is also slow, time-consuming, and in his opinion, not the most efficient method.

Bringing the light inside

At Dr. Weber’s medical clinics, he is utilizing an advanced form of laser therapy that brings the lasers inside the body to produce these same effects. With red, blue, green, and now yellow lasers available, IV laser therapy is improving the conditions for those with Lyme disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and bacterial or viral infections.

Our cells and mitochondria are both made of light and communicate in part through light. Therefore, it only makes sense that introducing certain wavelengths would improve cellular communication and induce healing.

We generated results on some hundred patients and the results were amazing. We have seen the liver function was improved. Diabetes was improved, blood pressure was improved. We could really prove it in the laboratory and that is so fascinating because blood irradiation has already a long history.

– Dr. Michael Weber

When to use IV laser therapy

As Dr. Weber explains, green and red lasers improve microcirculation and stabilize blood pressure, the blue laser increases nitric oxide which results in vasodilation throughout the body, and like sunshine in the body, the yellow laser unblocks our meridians and has a widespread anti-inflammatory effect.

Along with diabetes, Lyme disease, and heart disease, IV laser therapy is also beneficial for:

  • Allergies and eczema
  • Chronic liver and kidney diseases
  • Lipid metabolic disorder
  • Chronic shoulder syndromes
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Rheumatism 
  • Hypertension 
  • Tinnitus


About Dr. Michael Weber

Dr. Weber has been working as a Medical Doctor in Germany for more than 20 years. He manages three medical centers for general and internal medicine, pain therapy, naturopathy (acupuncture), and photodynamic therapy.

Besides his medical degrees, Dr. Weber holds a diploma in biochemistry, which allowed for his distinctive contribution to new laser technology.

He is president of the International Society for Medical Laser Applications (ISLA) and co-editor of several international medical journals, with a focus on research and new methods. For this purpose, Dr. Weber collaborates with numerous international institutions and universities.

Dr. Weber developed the patented Weberneedle® technology, which allows for highly focused and efficient lasers of different wavelengths for numerous health conditions and improved health.

About Jennifer Miele

Jennifer Miele is the founder and director of Nube Health Inc. as well as co-founder and clinical director of the Baja Medgate clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.

She received a HONORIS CAUSA DOCTORATE recognition by the Instituto Mexicano de Líderes de Excelencia (Mexico City) in the area of medical research.

Jennifer specializes in medical research and nutrition and has worked with several hospitals, integrative health centers, research centers, stem cell therapy specialists, immunologists, chemists, and many other specialists. She strives to offer the most integrative medical programs available.

She is focusing on the medical research and development of new protocols integrating PDT/ photodynamic therapy into oncology, immunotherapy, regenerative medicine, endocrinology, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, and nutrition.

Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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