Integrative Medicine for Lyme Disease

Integrative Lyme Treatment

Integrative Medicine for Lyme Disease

While the conventional approach to treating Lyme disease, at both the early and late stages, has long been a long—and sometimes multiple—series of antibiotics like doxycycline or amoxicillin, other approaches do exist. If you are one of the over 400,000 people who contracted Lyme disease this year, remember that your case is as unique as you are. For this reason, Innovative Medicine’s entirely personalized approach to Lyme disease may be a better option for you.

The Downside of Heavy Antibiotic Use

Antibiotics are widely used to eradicate bacterial infections. Anyone with Lyme disease wants to feel better and eliminate this debilitating disease as quickly as possible. However, long-term antibiotic use for chronic Lyme disease often causes more long-term harm than benefit.

While some Lyme patients report feeling better while on antibiotics, Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative pathogen that causes Lyme disease, is often lulled into dormancy during antibiotic use rather than being eradicated. B. burgdorferi is corkscrew-shaped and capable of burrowing deep into tissue, creating a protective biofilm around it, which is highly resistant to antibiotics. This means it may stay dormant for a while following an antibiotic cycle, but there is a good chance it will rear up again down the road.

Heavy antibiotic use is also notorious for disrupting the gut microbiome, immune regulation, and metabolic activities—all functions you want working at their total capacity, especially when battling a chronic illness like Lyme.

Watch: The Problem with Conventional Lyme Treatment 

What is the Integrative Approach to Lyme Disease?

The main goal of the holistic, integrative approach to Lyme disease is to identify and correct all causes of dysfunction at every level: biochemical and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The key to successfully beating Lyme disease is to restore your body’s natural and innate ability to heal and reestablish homeostasis (also known as complete health).

Lyme disease attacks the body on multiple fronts, including the nervous system, causing symptoms such as chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, swelling of the lymph nodes, severe headaches, dizziness, vertigo, brain fog, numbness in the extremities, and sleep disturbances. In other words, the symptoms of Lyme disease can be debilitating and severely affect quality of life. However, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment protocol for Lyme disease. That’s why Innovative Medicine uses a five-phrase integrative treatment plan completely customized to each patient:

  1. Identify underlying root causes of dysfunction using an advanced medical evaluation system called Bioresonance Analysis of Health (B.A.H.).
  2. Establish a priority of treatment that includes oral and intravenous methods of detox and drainage, improvement of tissue oxygenation, restoration of a proper body environment, and stage one of anti-pathogenic treatments.
  3. Correct energy imbalances using therapies like ACMOS Method Energy Balancing.
  4. Personalize pathogen-related treatments, additional detoxification and drainage therapies, and nutritional and emotional support.
  5. Address any residual issues that are present, for example, heavy metal toxicity, lingering co-infections, or ongoing emotional conflict.

Watch: A Patient’s Experience 

Ways to Boost Your Immune System for Lyme Disease

Believe it or not, your body was naturally designed to heal itself. But that doesn’t mean you can sit back and be hands-off in your recovery. For your body to function optimally, you must support its incredible natural functions through sleep, hydration, and stress management. However, one of the best ways to boost your immune system for Lyme disease is through your diet.

The ideal diet for supporting your immune system and overall wellness is rich in whole, colorful, nutrient-dense foods. Foods to focus on include dark leafy greens and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and fruit. Avoiding dairy, red meat, and sugar is best when fighting an infection or illness.

Watch: Learn more about the best diet for Lyme disease patients

Check out Innovative Medicine’s extensive collection of Lyme disease-related articles, guides, and podcasts.




Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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IM Health Team

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