Andrew Petterson’s Journey: Beating Lyme Disease Naturally

In His Own Words

On June 3, 2022, I woke up at 3:00 a.m. scratching an itch on my left thigh. When I turned on the light, a deer tick fell off the spot I was scratching. This was my first tick bite. Two days later, I spotted two deer in my yard, prompting me to search my body for more ticks. I found two more ticks lodged in my abdomen and right thigh. Unfortunately, I did not rush to the doctor or save the ticks. A few days later, I started waking up drenched in sweat nightly, and the areas from where I removed the ticks now looked like war zones—red and swollen.

I went to a local doctor who put me on two courses of antibiotics. The blood test he ran came back positive for Lyme. I also began treatment with a doctor who was also an acupuncturist and began taking massive amounts of herbs. Unfortunately, none of these treatments were helping me. My night sweats continued, and my joints (and some muscles) became progressively more swollen and painful. I also began to feel anxious and strange and was close to passing out a few times. I knew on a deep level that this was serious and that if I did not get proper treatment very soon, my future health would be severely impacted.

Receiving Proper Diagnosis at NYCIM

Fortunately for me, I ran into a neighbor who told me that her daughter had a long-standing case of Lyme disease, which other doctors had misdiagnosed until she went to NYCIM, where she was successfully diagnosed and treated. Thanks to NYCIM, she is now Lyme-free and enjoying her college years. I immediately made an appointment at NYCIM for the first available date in late August and met with Dr. Szulc. I spoke to Dr. Szulc for about thirty minutes and felt very comfortable and optimistic when I spoke to him.

About two weeks later, I met with Erin to get my blood test results. I was shocked by the results, especially since I prided myself on eating only vegan, organic food for about the past eighteen years and had not been using any toxic chemicals in my house or on my body. I tested positive for Babesia and Bartonella Borrelia and EBV and had a toxicity score of 16. Not wanting to hear that I had Lyme plus other health issues such as toxicity and lack of cell-to-cell communication, I quickly left the office and vowed that I would heal myself with more herbs and acupuncture.

In hindsight, I really should not have been so shocked by the results of my blood test since I had been on massive amounts of antibiotics in my late teens and had suffered from parasitic intestinal infections for over ten years from the age of twenty-four until about thirty-four which were repeatedly treated with high doses of Flagyl and other drugs (some of which are now banned in the U.S.). Thankfully, I came to my senses a month later as my symptoms were progressively getting worse.

The treatments not only healed my Lyme infection but also helped my body restore much of its natural strength, which had been lost after so many years of being exposed to antibiotics, heavy metals, and environmental toxins.

-Andrew Petterson
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Healing Lyme Disease Naturally

I returned to NYCIM in late October and surrendered to the treatments and the staff, realizing I had nowhere else to turn. I left my ego at the door and put myself into the hands of the staff (especially Nicole, the nurse assigned to me), showed up for all my appointments, and took all the prescribed supplements. The atmosphere at NYCIM and the staff were caring and optimistic, and the treatments were explained thoroughly along the way. I actually began to look forward to going for IVs and other therapies.

I finally experienced pain-free days during the detox treatments. However, I did not start to feel consistently better—and pain-free—until midway through the IV NAD treatments. I finished my treatments a few weeks ago and literally feel like a new person. I am now Lyme-free. Addressing cell-to-cell communication, acidity, and high toxicity has some added benefits, including improved overall health, healthier teeth and gums, and high energy levels.

The treatments offered by the NYCIM are the only effective treatments that, in my experience, have no adverse side effects. The treatments not only healed my Lyme infection but also helped my body restore much of its natural strength, which had been lost after so many years of being exposed to antibiotics, heavy metals, and environmental toxins.

I am very grateful to Dr. Szulc and the staff at NYCIM.

Are You Suffering from Lyme Disease?

Take our assessment and schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation to discover how our personalized approach can help you heal from Lyme disease. Take the first step toward healing, and contact us today.

More on How to Heal Lyme Disease Naturally

Traditional treatments for Lyme disease, which often rely on repeated courses of antibiotics, frequently fail to address underlying issues. This can result in persistent symptoms and prolonged illness for many patients. At our Future of Medicine event, Dr. Szulc highlighted the importance of addressing root causes, such as immune system collapse and toxic overload, through comprehensive detoxification, energy-based diagnostics, and personalized healing protocols. Our holistic approach to Lyme disease targets infections and focuses on restoring the body’s internal terrain.

Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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IM Health Team

Our Innovative Medicine Health Team is a committed and impassioned group of individuals with focused efforts on exploring and shedding light on this comprehensive realm of healing - sharing insight on some of the most advanced, integrative, but most importantly, innovative topics in medicine - empowering you to be the healthiest version of you. Want to learn more? Here's our story.