A New Integrative Approach to Lyme Disease
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Lyme disease has become a widespread health issue since its emergence in 1975. Usually transferred to animals and humans through ticks, this infectious disease can cause debilitating pain, inflammation, and a host of other issues—even after the bacterial load is flushed from the body.
Additionally, the lack of specific FDA-approved testing, as well as the presence of many associated pathogenic organisms such as viruses, other bacteria, fungi, and parasites, makes diagnosis and treatment extremely difficult. The guide discusses the causes of this health condition, the conventional treatment process, and how our integrative approach to Lyme disease can help you find relief.
At Innovative Medicine, we blend traditional science with holistic medicine and treatment to uncover what caused your health condition and heal it at the source. If you’re ready to begin your journey to a life free from Lyme disease, contact us today.
Conventional Approach to Lyme
Traditional Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment are both complex and time-sensitive. Waiting too long to flush the bacterial load from your body allows the infection to spread and cause more damage. However, diagnosis can be tricky, often leading to misdiagnosis and an unintentional delay in treatment. Below we’ll outline the conventional approach to treating Lyme disease.
- Diagnosis: Lyme disease needs to be established on the basis of positive lab tests. Most tests are not reliable and, in many cases, result in false positives or false negatives. Therefore, a true Lyme disease diagnosis can be missed, and treatment delayed or incorrect. Most orthodox physicians also require proof of diagnosis prior to any treatment.
- Misdiagnosis: Lyme disease is a great imitator. The bacteria mimic symptoms of other diseases, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression/anxiety, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological conditions (ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s, arthritic disorders, auto-immune conditions, etc.). Misdiagnosis of Lyme disease is a common problem in conventional medicine.
- Treatment: When a diagnosis is established, the only treatment available to conventional doctors is antibiotic therapy. This disregards the other aspects of the disease, which we know to be multi-systemic and multifactorial. Prolonged antibiotic treatment profoundly contributes to high tissue toxicity, immune system imbalance, and energetic dysfunction, and leads to organ and system disorders.
An Alternative Approach to Lyme
Our comprehensive, integrative approach to Lyme disease starts very similarly to the conventional approach—an initial diagnosis followed by antibiotics to flush the Borrelia bacteria from the body. However, our treatment doesn’t end there. Instead, we take the following steps to address the multi-systemic and multifactorial aspects of the disease.
- Diet /nutritional therapy: We may prescribe diet and nutritional therapy in combination with antibiotics to improve your health and help your body flush the disease.
- Herbal support: Our practitioners may recommend a regimen of herbal supplements with antimicrobial and immune-supporting properties to support your recovery.
- Symptom- specific treatment: In addition to addressing the root cause of your disease, we’ll also help you manage related symptoms—e.g., prescribing anti-inflammatory medication for joint inflammation and pain.
While a definite improvement over a conventional approach, the major downfalls of diagnosis and treatment persist, and success rates may slightly increase, but there remains great room for improvement.
The main goal of this paradigm is to find and eliminate all causes of dysfunctions on all levels: biochemical and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual— – allowing the body to restore its natural, inherited healing ability and reestablish balance and harmony, which we know as complete health.

A New Integrative Approach to Lyme
A new paradigm of 21st-century biological medicine considers each person as a unique individual with incredible healing abilities. The main goal of an integrative approach to Lyme disease is to find and eliminate all causes of dysfunctions on all levels: biochemical and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – allowing the body to restore its natural, inherited healing ability and reestablish balance and harmony, which we know as complete health.
- Identify underlying causes: Accurately determine all causative body dysfunctions on all levels of human beings: physical, emotional, and mental. How? An advanced medical evaluation system called Bioresonance Analysis of Health (B.A.H.). Similar to applied kinesiology, the system is more structured and allows for more efficient identification of all root causes and underlying issues.
- Establish priority of treatment: In most cases, this requires 3-4 weeks of 1st stage of treatment, including advanced oral and intravenous methods of detox and drainage, improvement of tissue oxygenation, restoration of proper body environment, 1st stage of anti-pathogenic therapies—all personalized to the patient. How? Utilizing specialized, high- quality European Biological Medicines, herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies, spagyric medicines, pleomorphic remedies, and nutritional supplements.
- Correction of energy balance: This may be vital in many cases where an underlying energetic imbalance is present and contributing to Lyme-related symptoms. How? ACMOS Energy Balancing Methods.
- Personalized pathogen-related treatment: May last 3-4 weeks and consist of aggressive anti-pathogenic treatments, continuous detoxification & drainage, nutritional support, and emotional support—all based on personalized protocols.
- Any final additional therapies: If residual problems are present—for example, dental issues, heavy metal toxicity, ongoing emotional/mental conflict, etc.—the additional therapy is identified through advanced evaluation and prescribed in a tailored manner through advanced evaluation systems like B.A.H. Treatment is extremely comprehensive, and requires full patient compliance.
Through this new integrative approach to Lyme (and other multi-systemic health conditions), we are now able to push the boundaries of the success rate with patients and completely eradicate all contributing Lyme-associated factors and related symptoms.
Video—A Patient’s Experience
Through an advanced and personalized integrative approach to Lyme disease, patients have experienced vast improvements, with the eradication of all causative agents and complete elimination of symptoms. Here’s a patient’s story, as told during a TEDx talk:
Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.
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I’ve heard about a new ultraviolet machine called the UVLRx that’s being used for Lyme patients. It uses a fiber optic thread which is inserted directly into the vein and the treatment lasts for an hour, so all the blood is treated. Has anyone tried this?
I’ve heard about a new ultraviolet machine called the UVLRx that’s being used for Lyme patients. It uses a fiber optic thread which is inserted directly into the vein and the treatment lasts for an hour, so all the blood is treated. Has anyone tried this?