Antioxidant Rich Foods

Herbs and Spices Rich in Antioxidants

Herbs and spices rich in antioxidants

Interestingly enough the foods with the greatest ORAC scores are not actually “foods” the way we think of the word but herbs and spices.

  • Clove
  • Cinnamon
  • Oregano
  • Tumeric
  • Cumin
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • * Rosemary is not in the picture but it’s at 165K which puts it above Oregano

So next time your in the kitchen consider adding some anti-aging spices to the mix.

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

Next let’s look at foods that we actually consume in larger quantities. These foods come in with ORAC scores just underneath the herbs and spices from above.

Remember the ORAC score stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity. The higher an ORAC score the greater the antioxidant capacity of the food.

Foods rich with antioxidants

These foods include:

  • Goji berries
  • Cranberries
  • Black raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Elderberries
  • Dark chocolate
  • Pecans, Cilantro

Interestingly to note the berry with one of the highest ORAC scores that’s not on this pictured list is Acai berry which comes in at a whopping 102K. That’s higher than some of the spices listed above.

For a full list of foods and their ORAC scores check out

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Meet the Author

Mark Iwanicki, ND

Dr. Mark Iwanicki is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist, and a co-founder here at Innovative Medicine. After serving as Chief Operating Officer for the company for 7 years, Mark decided to return to school to pursue a clinical doctoral degree in Naturopathic Medicine and a masters in Acupuncture at NCNM. For the past 5 years Dr Iwanicki has spent his time studying both allopathic and western medical interventions and modalities as well as natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness. He spent 6 months on an intensive Cardiology and Pulmonary medicine internship at the Center of Natural Medicine with Dr. Martin Milner. He also spent 6 months interning with Dr. Amy Bader, a world expert in detoxification, drainage and constitutional homeopathy. While in school, Dr. Iwanicki won a North America wide student case writing scholarship with NDNR and had his case on paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia published in the journal. He also won the Paul C. Bragg Naturopathic student scholarship contest for his essay on the importance of diet and nutrition in a holistic health care practice. You can learn more about Dr. Iwanicki on his site.
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