Biomagnetic Therapy

Medically reviewed by
Stephanie Klein, MSN, FNP-C

Biomagnetic therapy aims to re-establish normal cellular milieu and equalize pH levels.

Other Names:

Biomagnetic pairs



Helpful for:

Energy Imbalances, Emotional (Anxiety and Depression), Fatigue

Created by:

Dr. Goiz

What is Biomagnetic Therapy?

Biomagnetic therapy, also called biomagnetic pair therapy or terrain restoration therapy, is a natural and safe treatment that uses magnets of medium intensity. The goal is to equalize the organism’s pH level – a critical determinant of health.

What’s the big deal about pH balance in the body? In order for us to survive, we require two critical things to happen.

Our bodies must maintain a temperature of approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH very close to 7.4, which is just on the alkaline side of neutral.

Just like a swimming pool requires a balanced pH to ward off algae (too alkaline) while not irritating skin and eyes (acidic), the body’s pH must be balanced in order to maintain health.

Large number of complex diseases, including cancer, are associated with changes in the pH level in the internal organs and with the presence of viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, toxins, and other harmful factors. On the other hand, the development of illness cannot develop with a balanced pH level, and biomagnetic therapy aims to restore pH balance.

Biomagnetic therapy is different from magnetic therapy and magnetic acupuncture. Unlike these two, biomagnetic pair therapy uses pairs of magnets of opposite charges to depolarize areas in the body that are unbalanced due to pathogens or other factors that resonate energetically and vibrationally.

Benefits of Biomagnetic Therapy

Clinical experience has shown that biomagnetic therapy may be used for a number of conditions and issues. These benefits include:

  • Neutralizes pH and creates an environment that is inhospitable to pathogens.
  • Correction of the intracellular energetic and ionic conditions
  • Completely natural, painless, easy, and non-invasive.
  • No side effects, and it may be easily used in conjunction with both conventional and alternative treatments.
  • Targets the root cause of the pain/disease rather than only the symptoms.
  • Results can often be seen in a few minutes, days, or sometimes in a few weeks.

How Biomagnetic Therapy Works

Pathogens appear when there are fundamental distortions in the pH level. A body that is too acidic (hyperacidity / low pH) is prone to viral and fungal infection and degenerative processes. A body that is too alkaline (hyper-alkalinity / high pH) is subject to inflammation, swelling, pain, and bacterial and parasitic infections. 

Taking the understanding of pH in the body a step further, we can see that the process of pH imbalance begins at the cellular level with the exchange of ions through the membrane. This bioelectric act occurs in all the cells of the body. If we take a blood sample, eliminate the fluid until we have only the red blood cells left, and then apply a magnet, we can see in the microscope how the cells turn and point in one direction – the magnet polarizes the cell’s ions.

In other words, if we correct the ionic alteration through the use of magnets with a minimum of 1,000 gauss, specially placed on the body through biomagnetic therapy, the local pH may be neutralized, changing the environment from a pathogen- friendly one to one it cannot survive in. In this manner, biomagnetic therapy is considered effective at restoring the biological terrain (internal milieu), a tenant of European biological medicine, and aiding in the neutralization and elimination of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections that are often thought as initiating factors in many modern diseases and conditions.

The coupled magnetic placement areas have been found to be energetically connected and have a bi-focal relation, and placement of one positive polarity (indicated by red on the magnet face) and one negative polarity (indicated by black on the magnet face) magnet on the body for approximately 15 – 20 minutes is capable of re-establishing the acidic-alkaline balance. Complex conditions may require multiple pairs to improve pH balance. More on the relational pairing of magnets for specific diseases and dysfunctions, one can read “Bioenergetic Basics: The Art of Dynamic Wellness with Goiz Biomagnetic Pairs.“

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Behind the Science

Science & Safety

Dr. Goiz, the founder of Biomagnetism, has claimed to have successfully treated more than 350,000 patients with the therapy and has trained more than 20,000 physicians and other health professionals from many different countries.

According to a recent study, “It is common to find patients diagnosed with URI while they are undergoing all kinds of medical treatments, it is however very important to detect these infections in their early stages and treat them accordingly. We provide this report to show the importance and benefits of providing Biomagnetism therapy in these cases to shorten the treatment length and avoid unfavorable results. This will not only benefit the patient, reduce costs but also help avoid adverse effects. This clinical case will help research development of this new medical science, since it allows us to find an endless number of similar pathogens and/or specific ones, while providing great results and favorable outcomes.

This therapy is risk-free and should only be used with precaution in the case of patients with pacemakers (to not wear down the battery), pregnant women and patients who have undergone chemotherapy in the past 12 months. It is best to use magnets under the guidance of a trained professional for best results. Biomagnetic therapy can be used in conjunction with any other kind of complementary therapy and traditional allopathic treatments.


Where does Biomagnetism fall on the medical spectrum?

Biomagnetism falls under ‘XXX’ section of the medical spectrum.

Alternative Medicine

Also known as holistic medicine, it is the study and application of nature, botany, energy, and technology to bring the body back to balance and address the root causes of disease without detrimental side effects, toxins and chemicals, or a lifetime of intervention.

Biological Medicine

Also known as European Biological Medicine, this modality, popular in Germany and Switzerland, applies numerous therapies that aim to restore the body’s regulatory and self-healing capacity by promoting proper regeneration on a cellular and organ level.

Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine is the most recognized and practiced section of the medical spectrum that includes pharmacological drugs, surgical procedures, lab testing, and more in an attempt to reduce symptoms and manage disease. 

Conventional Therapies

The Innovative Medicine approach considers all conventional options and appropriately prescribes or refers patients to specialists in which this approach would be most suited.

Emotional Therapies

Mental health and the study of mind-body medicine is an integral part of the medical spectrum that can often go overlooked and unaddressed.

Psycho-Emotional Intervention

The study of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) has shown how our thoughts and psychological state impact our biochemistry and can lead to disease. Any comprehensive treatment plan must address psychological stress to be successful.

Spiritual Practices & Therapies

We often confuse spiritual practices with religion, but the role of spirituality, consciousness, awareness, purpose, and information on a quantum level is incredibly important in healing.

Receiving Therapy

Biomagnetism Protocol – Receiving Treatments

The New York Center of Innovative Medicine (NYCIM) offers biomagnetic pair therapy. However, the use of this or any of our numerous therapeutic options is only performed on patients after an in-depth health evaluation. Our ultimate goal is the complete restoration of health in the most efficient and safe manner, and with so many therapeutic options, it is impossible to know if biomagnetism is right for you without an initial evaluation at our clinic.

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ACMOS is an acronym derived from the “Analysis of the Compatibility of Matter on the Organism and its Synergy“. This unique approach combines the wisdom of ancient traditional medicine with the scientific discoveries of modern molecular biology and is often referred to as needle-less acupuncture.

In essence, it relieves energetic blockages that lead to symptoms and dysfunction in the body. The elimination of the blockages will allow the vital energy to reach the organs and the functions which were blocked and, therefore, to re-establish their vitality in relation to the amount of evacuation of the toxic blockages. A person whose energy balance is regularly checked is more likely to remain in good health, since any deficiencies are detected and corrected in due time.

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