TS Wiley Discusses Chronobiology

Author of two hit books: Sex, Lies, and Menopause and, Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival, T.S. Wiley has teamed up with Innovative Medicine and one of America’s foremost practitioners of biological medicine, Thomas K. Szulc, MD, to discuss the important role that rhythmic cycles from the environment play in maintaining proper health. The video can be watched at the end of this post.

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Regulating Circadian Rhythms

We now know that as many as 60 million Americans (20%) suffer from mild to severe cases of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and resulting depression during the changes of our seasons. What’s worse is that few patients are provided with effective treatments. As Dr. Thomas K. Szulc, M.D., remarks, “understanding and restoring proper bodily rhythms on a cellular level is the key to establishing successful treatments for patients suffering with SAD and other related conditions.”

T.S. Wiley is an anthropologist and medical theorist with a background in investigative journalism. An ever-active medical researcher, she is an established expert in environmental endocrinology and evolutionary biology, has a professional affiliation with the New York Academy of Sciences, and speaks regularly at such venues as the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), the International Hormone Society, and the World Conference on Breast Cancer.

Endocrine Disruptors

In her previous book, Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival,  published by Pocket Books, Simon and Schuster, Wiley succinctly and logically argues that electricity and the light bulb put us out of sync with nature as the ultimate “endocrine disruptors”.

People spent summers, before electric lights, sleeping less and eating heavily in preparation for winter because the light triggered the hunger for carbohydrates. Now, light is available 24 hours a day. Heating and air-conditioning climate control our hormonal responses to consume carbohydrates now available year round. This is the scenario for obesity, Type II diabetes, and depression.

In Wiley’s opinion, sleep is the best medicine. T.S. Wiley has also published peer-reviewed scientific papers in molecular oncology and endocrinology, as well as lecturing globally and teaching physicians Environmental Endocrinology in Planetarium settings around the world.

In the second half of the video below, Thomas K. Szulc, M.D., Medical Director at the New York Center for Innovative Medicine, shares his personal clinical experience and scientific expertise in dealing with patients affected by offset natural rhythms. In addition to presenting case reviews, he will offer scientific evidence and explanations for how environmental polarity and oscillation impacts us on a quantum and molecular level. Most importantly, Dr. Szulc will discuss the various advanced techniques, remedies, and methods that he has found to yield the greatest results.

About TS Wiley

T.S. Wiley is an anthropologist and medical theorist with a background in investigative journalism. An ever-active medical researcher, she is an established expert in environmental endocrinology and evolutionary biology, has a professional affiliation with the New York Academy of Sciences, and speaks regularly at such venues as the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), the International Hormone Society, and the World Conference on Breast Cancer. Her two hit books: Sex, Lies, and Menopause and, Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival, are available on Amazon.

Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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