What to Expect on Your NYCIM Healing Journey
Welcome to NYCIM
As a member of the NYCIM medical team, I’d like to welcome you and thank you for your interest in our one-of-a-kind medical center. The New York Center for Innovative Medicine (also known as NYCIM) is a world-renowned medical facility known for its sophisticated and advanced healing therapies and innovative approaches. We focus on providing the full spectrum of therapeutic options, tailored to each patient for maximum effectiveness.
Our center is comprised of over 20 years of research and clinical experience and leans on over 100 years of award-winning scientific discoveries in such fields as molecular biology, behavioral science, quantum physics, human consciousness, functional medicine, psychology, immunology, and many others.
The team at NYCIM strives for nothing but the absolute best for our patients when it comes to results, treatments, and overall experience.
Here are just some of the things you should expect in becoming a patient embarking on your healing journey at NYCIM.
Expect A Different Patient Experience
Working in a hospital and private practice setting in the past, I can attest from the medical side that you can definitely expect a different experience, on multiple fronts. It starts when you first walk in the door. Our clinic is often mistaken for a spa or plastic surgeon’s office because it has a very contemporary and calming design. Although from the outside it may seem unassuming, nestled among quaint homes on the rolling hills of the North Shore of Long Island, the inside was precisely planned to maximize healing. From the bright open spaces to the type of lighting (specialty full-spectrum color rendering lights that produce the most natural light possible are utilized throughout the center), we spare no expense. Every treatment room was designed to make your experience at the center as comfortable, peaceful and therapeutic as possible.

From specialty teas, hand-selected and tested by the clinical staff, to a selection of books and literature on cutting-edge therapeutic approaches, we want you to be in an environment that facilitates healing and empowers you.
Expect Personalization as You’ve Never Seen
Moving on, you’ll realize there’s a high level of personalization and specificity to your treatment not found elsewhere. Each of us is an incredibly unique being – from our personalities to our fingerprints, to our eye’s iris patterns – no two are alike. Our states of health and/or disease are just as unique. Genes, gene expressions, pathogens, toxic exposures, environmental aggressors, and even past emotional traumas are constituents that make up a patient and determine their distinctive situation. The days of blanket protocols are remnants of an obsolete modality, and any treatment regimen that fails to take a patient’s uniqueness into account can only yield suboptimal outcomes. Fortunately, we can now personalize each person’s program of treatment with great specificity.
At NYCIM we focus on an extremely personalized approach that aims to restore health by eliminating the root cause of dysfunctions/disease and eventually restore the patient’s ability to self heal and regenerate, on their own. Every individual has the potential to restore their own physical, mental and emotional well-being. We aim to bring that out in the most efficient manner possible and not manage symptoms over the course of many years.
Because each individual that comes to us is entirely different, each patient’s program will reflect that. No two programs of treatment are the same, and for this reason, it has been repeatedly shown to achieve extraordinary results.
Expect Truly ‘Integrative Medicine’
Imagine you were tasked with fixing a home in need of repair. You likely wouldn’t show up with just a hammer in hand and expect to address all the issues you may encounter. A better plan would be to bring the entire toolbox with multiple tools, instruments, and construction/repair material. We take the same approach with medicine and healing. NYCIM is redefining the meaning of ‘integrative medicine’ by going beyond the normal limited selection of medical choices and providing a truly complete and comprehensive tool kit of therapeutic options from all ends of the world. From conventional medicine to spiritual practices, energetic techniques to cutting-edge procedures, the holistic and integrative approach we employ results in the absolute best chance for resolving all root causes of disease and restoring optimal health.

Expect Healing, Not Treating
The human body is a highly adaptive self-healing system whose natural tendency is to maintain its vitality. Just as a flesh-wound will mend itself when properly cleansed and maintained, the whole body has the imperative to restore itself back to proper function. At NYCIM, we look at health as the body’s natural state of being, and disease as the result of multiple subtle causes that disrupt this natural propensity. Therefore the approach to healing is not to fight the disease head-on but rather, treat the patient using personalized biological medicine and other supportive modalities to the point where disease can no longer persist.

“The difference between treating and healing is that in the former, the context remains the same, whereas in the latter, the clinical response is elicited by a change in context so as to bring about an absolute removal of the cause of the condition rather than mere recovery from its symptoms.“
– David Hawkins, MD
Expect to Take Responsibility
“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
Winston Churchill
Compliance, commitment, and enthusiasm are key factors when becoming a patient at New York Center for Innovative Medicine. The NYCIM team is here to coach you through treatment, assist in the maximum amount of healing and provide the most exceptional care throughout your journey. However, it is imperative to remember that behind every successful coach there must be a strong athlete.
Therefore, each patient (athlete) must adhere to the coaches (NYCIM team), instructions and put in work and effort for optimal results. In no other realm does this hold more importance than your health.
In order for each individual to achieve optimal results, it is crucial to follow health-related advice, to take medication/supplementation as prescribed, to attend scheduled appointments, and to complete recommended lifestyle and diet adjustments.
Lack of compliance by our patients is the leading cause of nonresponse to supplements and therapies as compared to those who are active, enthusiastic participants.
Expect a Comprehensive Initial Evaluation Process
The average doctor’s visit takes 17.5 minutes. At NYCIM, you can approximately 60 minutes. Approximately thirty minutes is spent conducting the physical exam, answering questions, and building a relationship of trust and understanding. We want to know each patient and truly understand their current situation and let them be heard. The second allotted time of thirty minutes is spent conducting specialized evaluations, such as heart rate variability assessments, and explaining some of the initial findings right there on the spot.
Here’s what else you should know about your initial visit to NYCIM.
1. Preparation
Before even coming into the center for your initial visit, you’ll be provided with an NYCIM Welcome Guide as well as an NYCIM Planning Your Stay Guide if you are traveling from afar. A large segment of our patients come from around the world. We help in all ways to accommodate those that come to our center from out of state or country. We want you to feel knowledgeable and have your questions answered before stepping foot into the center, and have a number of resources both online and at your disposal once your initial visit is scheduled.
Unlike many other standard initial evaluation visits you may have undergone, there is no fasting or special preparation that is needed prior to each of our patients’ evaluations. If there is any testing or diagnostic evaluations that a patient deems relevant to his or her condition, we welcome you to bring that with you to the visit as this aids in the understanding of your unique situation.
Outside of arriving on time (we have a relatively high on-time appointment start time and do not rush any visit), you will be asked to fill out some forms before meeting with a member of our medical staff to begin your visit.
2. What the Visit Entails
On the day of your initial evaluation, you will be meeting with one of our medical team members (see our entire medical team) who will conduct a physical exam, collect any pertinent medical information, answer relevant questions, administer a specialized heart rate variability test, and collect other pertinent data via questions and other advanced technological systems such as gas discharge visualization technique (Kirlian effect) to assess other aspects of your current health situation often overlooked or not tested at other medical centers.
Please note: At NYCIM, the medical team, including the Medical Director, Clinical Director, psychologist, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses all work together on every patient’s program of treatment. You may, or may not, meet with a doctor during your treatment program. This does not mean each medical team member is not involved and coordinating the best course of action, but that time restraints do not allow certain members to be at your disposal at all times.
Our evaluation approach at NYCIM is inclusive, integrative, comprehensive, and advanced. We look to identify and address issues at their cause, whether they be functional, biochemical, energetic, or psycho-emotional. All results and treatment plans that are presented are arrived at by evaluating the person through a multitude of lenses that enable their practitioners to glean deeply into their condition and uncover the root causes, responsible for the symptoms. To accomplish this, we incorporate a variety of evaluation methods that synergistically allow the practitioner to form a complete (holistic) picture of the patient. Those evaluation methods include bioresonance testing, heart rate variability testing, electro-photonic imaging assessments, clinical intake forms, functional biochemical testing evaluations, and past clinical history.
By using these multiple evaluation lenses and a very large and advanced toolkit of therapeutic options, we are better able to craft a program that his highly unique, addresses all aspects of the complex condition, and is tailored to you.
Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the evaluation methods you should expect:
The physical exam is a simple, head to toe evaluation that allows the medical practitioner to physically evaluate the patient using western, eastern and ayurvedic techniques to supplement any information found on the BAH evaluation.
HeartQuest is an advanced, non-invasive, assessment system that monitors the heart rate (heart rate variability) and analyzes the human biorhythms and regulatory systems. Through this, we can discover issues with the autonomic nervous system, neurohormonal system, psycho-emotional state, brain electrical activity, meridians, and chakras.
Lastly, a clinical team member will collect any pertinent information and run additional assessments depending on your complaints and current state. These include Bioresonance Analysis of Health and other testing methodologies we have at our disposal at the center.
If additional diagnostic tests are required (such as lab tests or biofeedback evaluation), you will be informed of this at the end or your visit or after the initial evaluation.

By using multiple advanced evaluation lenses (such as heart rate variability testing – pictured to the left) and a very large and advanced toolkit of therapuetic options, we are better able to craft a program that his highly unique, addresses all aspects of the complex condition, and is tailored to you.
Expect Your Results Back Quickly
Our goal is to ascertain as much pertinent information about your health and create a tailored and highly specific treatment plan as quickly as possible.
1. When a patient should return for results
An individual’s results and treatment plan are usually ready within 2-3 days after their initial evaluation. If there are extenuating circumstances (someone from out of the country or a pressing medical issue), results can be done within a shorter duration of time.
We prefer patients to return to the center to go over their results within one week after the initial evaluation was performed. It is imperative that we inform patients of their situation within an appropriate time frame. A person’s state of health can change quickly sometimes, and we work off the most current information to provide you with the best plan of action in restoring your health.
2. Presentation of Results and Findings
When your NYCIM comprehensive evaluation is completed, you will return for a thirty to forty-five-minute follow-up with one of our medical practitioners. This will visit will entail a detailed discussion about all findings on a functional, biochemical, energetic, or psycho-emotional level. We will present the underlying issues that are responsible for any symptoms, disease patterns or disruptions in your system.
After discussing these findings, a tailored and comprehensive program of treatment will be presented to you that was created, discussed and agreed upon by the entire NYCIM medical to which is aimed at restoring a normal pattern of health and healing. This may entail something as simple as oral supplementation and dietary/lifestyle changes, or more invasive clinical procedures that are performed at the clinic. Everything from the duration, frequency, and prioritization of any medications, supplements, and therapies will be provided to you.
3. Beginning Your Personalized Program of Treatment
Every individual is a unique being and carries specific information that affects them differently than the person sitting next to them. So why wouldn’t you expect a truly unique treatment program? The programs that are developed and tailored to each individual at NYCIM acknowledge that the sources of your disease or health conditions are too diverse for any set protocol/regimen to achieve lasting success.
Each program of treatment reveals what YOU need to truly heal and become “whole” again on all levels. This can range from simple mineral, nutritional, or natural supplementation along with energetic and emotional treatments, to more procedures like IV detoxes/chelation/antimicrobials, ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy, ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, and neural therapy to name a few.
With over 75 different in-clinic treatments (that range from biochemical, to emotional, and energetic), several dozens of oral supplemental protocols, dietary guidelines, and adjunctive therapies that can be done outside of the office, each person’s program will include exactly what is necessary to get them on the pathway to a new, healthy life.
Now that you have a better idea of what to expect, are you ready to start your healing journey?
Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.
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