Case Review: Lyme Disease, Hypothyroidism, and Hormonal Imbalance

History & Diagnosis

A 25-year-old woman presented to our medical center who suffered from Lyme Disease, hypothyroidism, and general hormonal abnormalities. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. For women, thyroid hormones play a vital role in regulating the body’s metabolism, energy levels, mood regulation, and menstrual cycle/hormonal regularity.

During her initial visit, the patient reported muscle/joint pains, irregular menstrual cycles, fatigue, brain fog, and low energy. She also reported gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating. At the time of her initial evaluation, she was taking Armour Thyroid, Synthroid, and Progesterone cream to manage hormonal abnormalities associated with her low-functioning thyroid and irregular menstrual cycle. She noticed that although she was being managed on these medications, over time, her symptoms were slowly exacerbating and becoming more difficult to manage. She knew she couldn’t sustain this for her entire life, as she was only in her 20s. This motivated her to seek further evaluation to find the root cause of her hormonal issues. This patient also wanted to properly treat her Lyme Disease, which was already diagnosed prior to her visit. While she believed this to be a separate issue at the time, these issues were all connected.


A comprehensive analysis of the patient revealed the following:

  • Very high tissue toxicity – 17 on Dr. Schimmel’s scale
    • Dr. Schimmel’s scale involves a toxicity score ranging from 0-21. As a reference, a normal range for a healthy individual is considered 1-8.
  • Moderate heavy metal toxicity, including mercury
  • Disturbance of her central nervous system function in relation to chronic infection
  • Multiple nutritional deficiencies, including minerals (cobalt, copper, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc)
  • Multiple pathogens associated with spirochetes infection, including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic co-infections
  • Foci or disturbance fields in her pelvic region associated with a localized chronic inflammatory process affecting her reproductive organs
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A personalized program of treatment was established to reduce toxic burden, address infections, and restore proper terrain. Her treatment began with using both oral and intravenous methods to cleanse her body and restore the proper function of the organs and overall system. At home, she began taking daily ionized minerals, nutritional supplements, and homeopathic preparations to open her drainage pathways and initiate detoxification. She also started rebuilding her milieu with Sanum and Symbiopathic preparations and detoxifying heavy metals with oral chelating agents.

A total of nine intravenous infusions were combined with oxidative therapies, neural therapy, and intramuscular antiviral injections using natural compounds. During her first week of intravenous therapy, energy balancing was performed using the French ACMOS Method, an advanced therapeutic system similar to acupuncture but without needles. Following detoxification came four sessions of antimicrobial therapies administered on a weekly basis. During this time, the patient noticed an increase in some of her symptoms, such as fatigue, brain fog, and low energy, as her body was navigating the detox process. ACMOS Method was repeated as needed to support her and improve symptoms.

Following her antimicrobial therapies, we identified that the patient’s immune system required more support. We administered four PL2020 procedures to achieve this. This was a significant treatment following antimicrobial therapies, as proper immune system function is crucial for the patient to continue the healing process. Finally, the patient ended her treatment program with five IV NAD infusions to promote regeneration and reestablish mitochondrial integrity for proper recovery.


The patient completed all intravenous and oral treatments as per her personalized program of treatment. This patient required the eradication of a chronic infection that was contributing to multi-system dysregulation in her body. For women, hormonal imbalances often accompany such an issue as they are chemical messengers that respond to all internal stimuli. While she noticed an improvement in many of her symptoms at that time—such as less fatigue, joint pain, bloating, and brain fog—she was still experiencing them to a lesser degree. The patient was educated that she was still considered to be actively healing.

Depending on the clinical presentation and history of the patient, it is not expected that all symptoms will be resolved at the end of treatment, even when their BAH is showing significant improvement. Healing is a dynamic process requiring rest periods, follow-up evaluations, and intervention. This patient continued to follow up routinely in order to assess the needs of her body within this process. This included routine ACMOS, additional detoxification, and oral supplement protocols.

Over time, the patient worked with the clinical team to slowly lower her doses of thyroid medication and progesterone cream. After about a year of continued follow-up care, the patient was able to discontinue all thyroid medication and progesterone. She experienced some ups and downs throughout the process. However, today, she is being maintained on a healthy diet and oral supplement program that is allowing her to avoid any pharmaceutical medications. Her mood has stabilized, she has renewed energy, she’s free of pain, she has regulated menstrual cycles, and she experiences significantly less bloating. This patient expressed immense gratitude for her personalized program of treatment that allowed for the eradication of Lyme Disease and co-infections, as well as reestablishing hormonal balance, which was impacting her daily life.

Are you suffering from Lyme disease, hypothyroidism, or hormonal imbalance?

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Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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