How Does NAD IV Therapy Work?

IV Therapies

You already know basic facts about NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, aka “NAD+”), how it’s a coenzyme (helper molecule) found in all living cells that plays an important role in increasing cellular energy and metabolism. You’ve also learned that NAD may help increase your energy levels and improve virtually every wellness biomarker from supporting fertility to sleep quality and much more. In addition, you’ve explored ways to naturally increase levels of this anti-aging molecule, including the daily oral supplement Nadovim, which contains actual NAD+ source molecule instead of precursors for enhanced absorption. And so now, you’re ready to take the relationship further and explore the best functional/integrative medicine therapy for boosting NAD levels in your body: NAD IV (drip) therapy. 

NAD IV Therapy: How It Works

Functional and integrative medicine clinics such as the New York Center for Innovative Medicine have flipped the script on IV treatments. No longer is intravenous or drip IVs reserved for recovering from severe illness or injury in hospital settings. These days, IV therapy is one of the most effective ways to support health and wellness goals.


But there’s no escaping the fact that in NAD IV therapy, needles are involved. So if you’re squeamish about intravenous infusions, consider taking Nadovim. Otherwise, NAD IV therapy works just like most other infusions. The NAD is mixed with saline IV solution. This mixture, sealed securely in a bag, is suspended over your head. The NAD IV solution flows via a narrow tube connected from the bag to the needle, which is inserted into your vein.


The liquid NAD solution flows into your bloodstream, which sidesteps the digestive system’s breakdown of NAD+ molecules. As a result, the NAD IV directly targets your body’s tissues. However, unlike the use of illicit drugs where the effects are felt immediately and dramatically, NAD IV therapy is administered slowly over the course of two or more hours. This is done to avoid unpleasant detoxification side effects and to increase serum levels of NAD+. 

NAD IV Therapy For Maximal Cellular Uptake

For those on a limited budget, high-quality oral supplements may boost cellular levels of NAD+. However, it’s difficult to find NAD supplements that do not contain the molecular middlemen (the precursors) of NAD: Nicotinamide Riboside [NR], Nicotinamide Mononucleotide [NMN], Nicotinic Acid [NA], Nicotinamide [Nam], and Tryptophan [Trp]. Nadovim is a rare exception. 


If boosting your cellular level of NAD+ is your goal and you have more flexibility with your budget, multiple sessions of NAD infusions may be just what the functional medicine doctor ordered. With NAD IV therapy, the NAD+ molecules enter the bloodstream and ultimately latch onto NAD cell receptors. 


From there, the NAD molecules are ushered into the interior of the cell, into the mitochondria, where they facilitate chemical reactions such as the generation of ATP, the energy-generating currency of each and every tens of trillions of cells in the body. 


In addition to generating cellular energy, receiving NAD IV infusion may help facilitate DNA repair and help remove toxins from the body, which makes this an attractive therapy for substance abuse and withdrawal recovery


NAD Infusions For Anti-Aging

NAD IV therapy is at the forefront of regenerative medicine because of its potential ability to increase cellular longevity. One mechanism by which NAD infusions may help arrest or even reverse biological aging is through its effects on sirtuin function. By boosting NAD+ levels, IV therapy helps these proteins make cells more resilient to oxidative stress. A research article in the peer-reviewed journal, Biogerentology refers to sirtuins as a “promising target in slowing down the aging process.”


Schedule your first NAD IV Therapy session today or contact the integrative medicine experts at Innovative Medicine to get all your questions about NAD IV therapy answered. 


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Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.

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