Going Beyond Labs to Restore Health – Kathleen's Story

In Her Own Words

I thought I had always been proactive in my health until 1999 when I received a cancer diagnosis.  It woke me up and showed me that health is not only physical but also a combination of our mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.  One day while searching for new health options and experiences I came upon “The New York Center for Innovative Medicine”. I knew I carried one virus and was curious whether they had helped anyone like me.  I launched into their website and read about all of the non-toxic therapies offered and was excited and encouraged. I called NYCIM to schedule a consultation. I became a patient in November 2018. I was very impressed with the clinic as it was a bright happy space, contemporary, clean, and professionally staffed.

Waking Up to be Well

I was shocked to discover that my toxicity level was very high and the number of dysfunctional issues that were suppressing my immune system.  I once again, “woke up” to the fact that, ultimately, I am responsible for all of these things! I entered into treatment over a few months to, I am happy to report, a renewed state of health.  I think it is important to note two things:

  1. It was my intention to be well, therefore, I chose to make life changes in my diet in addition to the therapies that allowed the healing to occur.
  2. None of these issues that were creating a toxic load on my immune system would have been identified through labs in an annual exam.

None of these issues that were creating a toxic load on my immune system would have been identified through labs in an annual exam.”

Kathleen St. John

I am extremely grateful to everyone at NYCIM who collectively worked to ensure the best experience for me of which I was expecting and received.

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IM Health Team

Our Innovative Medicine Health Team is a committed and impassioned group of individuals with focused efforts on exploring and shedding light on this comprehensive realm of healing - sharing insight on some of the most advanced, integrative, but most importantly, innovative topics in medicine - empowering you to be the healthiest version of you. Want to learn more? Here's our story.
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