Top 5 Reasons to Take Nadovim – A Doctor’s Perspective
NAD+, or Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a powerful, game-changing supplement that is taking the nootropic supplement market by storm. As a precursor to ATP production, it is critical to energy metabolism in every cell of the body. NAD+ also influences a whole host of vital, downstream metabolic processes including cellular age reversal. Oral NAD+ supplements are popping up all over the market due to all the new and exciting research touting the many health and anti-aging benefits of NAD+ supplementation. In a 2018 TIME article Dr. David Sinclair, the co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School was quoted as saying that “NAD+ is the closest we’ve gotten to a fountain of youth,” ((“Is an Anti-Aging Pill on the Horizon? – Time Magazine.” 15 Feb. 2018, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.)). Scientists are finding it increases cellular longevity in addition to decreasing the negative cognitive symptoms associated with many chronic neurological diseases like CFS, MS, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Most of the studies conducted have been done on animals, however, preliminary studies in humans have been extremely promising as well.
With all the new NAD+ supplements coming out it’s hard for the average consumer to determine which one is the right one to take. As a naturopathic doctor in clinical practice, I have found NADOVIM to be superior in many ways to other similar products on the market. Here are my top 5 reasons why I believe NADOVIM is the superior product in this space and why everyone should be taking it.
1. Real NAD+
Most of the NAD+ supplements on the market right now are actually not NAD+ but NAD+ precursors, primarily NR or Nicotinamide Ribonucleotide. These companies are working off of research claiming that NAD+ cannot be given in an oral form and only works in intravenous form due to poor intestinal absorption. These companies contend that only oral supplementation of precursors like NR, can increase the systemically available “NAD+ pool” and are working off of studies done in the 1980s. These same companies are now in litigation with each other trying to patent NR derivatives rather than looking at the source molecule-NAD+ itself ((“Firms feud over purported age-fighting molecule.” 27 Aug. 2018, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.)). Newer research actually debunks their claims that NAD+ cannot be absorbed orally and proves that oral NAD+ can actually contribute to elevations in the available systemic NAD+ pool of the brain and body ((“Comparison of metabolic fates of nicotinamide, NAD+ and … – NCBI.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.)). NADOVIM was one of the first and earliest supplements on the market to contain actual NAD+ instead of NAD+ precursors in its formulation.
2. More than NAD+
NADOVIM not only contains actual NAD+ but is also a multi-ingredient nootropic product combining multiple powerful brain enhancing nutrients into one powerful capsule. NADOVIM’s formulation combines multiple neuro-enhancing ingredients for an optimal synergistic effect:
- CoQ10: One of the other main components of the Electron Transport Chain, CoQ10 acts as a carrier along with NAD+ of electrons in the mitochondrial membrane that ends in ATP, or cellular energy, production. CoQ10 has been used for decades as an energy boosting supplement (“Coenzyme Q10 administration increases brain … – NCBI – NIH.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.)) but now combined with NAD+ it packs an even greater cellular energy punch.
- Bacopa monnieri: Bacopa is an ancient Indian herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for its anti-inflammatory and cognitive enhancing effects (“The Ayurvedic plant Bacopa Monnieri inhibits … – NCBI – NIH.” 26 Jul. 2016, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). Bacopa also has one of the highest ORAC scores of any food on the planet (“Antioxidant ORAC Value: Bacopa Powder … –” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). ORAC scores are used to measure antioxidant properties. The higher the ORAC score the more powerful, age reversing antioxidants a food contains. The more antioxidants a food or herb contains the greater its ability to squash inflammation in the body and brain. Since neuro-inflammation plays such a critical role in neurodegenerative diseases using products with the highest antioxidants possible is essential to effectively lower inflammation in the brains of these patients.
- Cats claw: Cat’s claw or Uncaria tomentosa is a traditional herbal remedy from the jungles of Peru that has recently been proven to enhance brain functioning. In a 2019 study, Cat’s Claw was shown to decrease amyloid plaque formation in the brains of rats (“The Amazon rain forest plant Uncaria tomentosa (cat’s … – NCBI – NIH.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). Amyloid plaques are the main clinical manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease so stopping their formation is in effect reversing the progression of brain deterioration that happens in this deadly disease.
- Thiamine: Thiamine or vitamin B1 has been studied extensively for years for its neuro-enhancing effects (“Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and dementia – NCBI – NIH.” 11 Mar. 2016, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). A lack of B1 in the diet has been linked to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and alcohol-induced cognitive decline (also known as Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome) (“Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and dementia – NCBI – NIH.” 11 Mar. 2016, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.)). In a 2015 study intramuscular injections of thiamine in patients with Parkinson’s disease significantly reduced the symptoms of the disease in the studied participants (“An open-label pilot study with high-dose thiamine in … – NCBI – NIH.” 31 Dec. 2015, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.).
- Magnesium malate: Magnesium is an essential nutrient critical for a whole host of metabolic process that is severely lacking in the standard American diet. It is highest in green vegetables which most Americans rarely consume. Magnesium supplementation studies have shown it to decrease anxiety, promote sleep, improve digestion, increase energy and enhance cognitive functioning (“Magnesium — Health Professional Fact Sheet.” 26 Sep. 2018, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). Magnesium malate combines magnesium with malic acid (an acid found in many fruits and vegetables) for greater systemic absorption and increased cognitive support (“Magnesium Malate: Supports Natural Energy Production & Promotes ….” 4 Jul. 2017, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.).
- Glycine: Glycine is an amino acid that helps decrease fatigue and enhance deep sleep. In a 2012 study sleep deprived, healthy volunteers who were given glycine noticed enhancements in deep sleep and a reduction in their fatigue throughout the day compared with volunteers given a placebo (“The Effects of Glycine on Subjective Daytime … – NCBI – NIH.” 18 Apr. 2012, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). Combination supplements of magnesium and glycine have shown a synergistic, additive effect on decreasing anxiety, promoting energy and improving sleep (“The Importance of Magnesium in Clinical Healthcare – NCBI – NIH.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.).
- Aspartic acid: Aspartic acid has been known for decades to have a balancing effect on neurotransmitters. In a 1977 animal study morphine-dependent rats who were given aspartic acid and were shown to have more balanced levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin and decreased clinical symptoms of drug dependency than rats that were not (“The antagonizing effect of aspartic acid on the brain levels of … – NCBI.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). In a separate 2009 study aspartic acid supplementation was shown to increase testosterone levels in rat and human subjects (“The role and molecular mechanism of D ….” 27 Oct. 2009, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). Testosterone plays a vital role in systemic and brain health in both men and women as we age. Healthy testosterone levels are correlated with greater longevity, muscular strength and cognitive performance (“On the effects of testosterone on brain-behavioral functions – NCBI – NIH.” 17 Feb. 2015, Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.).

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3. Highest Quality Ingredients
NADOVIM uses only the highest quality, organic, non-GMO, vegan-friendly ingredients verified through bioresonance testing to include all beneficial regenerative frequencies necessary for optimal functioning. Bioresonance testing, pioneered by French engineer and Ph.D., Dr. Rene Naccachian utilizes an instrument known as the “lecher wire loop” or “lecher antenna” developed by Ernst lecher in the early part of the last century to study subtle electromagnetic frequencies of the earth’s surface (“Ernst Lecher – Wikipedia.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.). After decades of research, Dr. Naccachian developed a unique testing system using the lecher instrument to measure resonant energetic frequencies in organic matter. A product containing the frequency of 17.6 on Dr. Naccachian’s scale is said to vibrate at a caliber that has regenerative and life-enhancing properties for the body. All of the ingredients in NADOVIM have been tested to contain this vital frequency.
4. Doctor Formulated
NADOVIM’s unique nootropic formula was designed after years of study and research by one of the world’s leading medical clinicians, Dr. Thomas K Szulc ((“Thomas K. Szulc, MD – Innovative Medicine.” Accessed 1 Apr. 2019.)). Dr. Szulc has treated thousands of neurological and chronic fatigue patients over the course of his 30 plus year of clinical practice and has seen amazing improvements in patients through the use of intravenous and oral NAD+. He has also witnessed fantastic results through the clinical use of all of the other synergistic ingredients formulated in NADOVIM. Dr. Szulc’s formulation of NADOVIM came after extensive research into what the best combination ingredients would be for optimal cognitive impact. NADOVIM wasn’t born out of studies on rats by research PhDs in a university laboratory. NADOVIM’s unique formulation was born out of years of “in-the-trenches” clinical practice by one of the world’s greatest integrative clinicians who saw what was working in actual living humans and adapted that into a formula that has no parallels on the market.
5. Proven Clinically Effective
Since coming on the market 12 months ago, NADOVIM has been tested extensively in private clinics across the country with extraordinary results. Patients have been reporting increases in energy, memory, brain speed, and overall cognition. Patients with CFS, Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, MS, Mold toxicity have all reported significant improvements in their energy and health following the use of NADOVIM. In my own clinical practice at the Clear Center of Health in Mill Valley, California, every patient I have put on NADOVIM has reported fantastic symptomatic improvements in energy and mental cognition. I’ve started recommending it to healthy and ill patients alike because of all the cumulative benefits I’ve seen from its consistent use.
Since there are so many companies selling NAD+ nowadays it’s important to go with a product you can trust and gives you the most bang for your supplement spending buck. NADOVIM is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition and is the only doctor-formulated, high-quality, combination nootropic product with clinically proven results on the market today.
Dr. Mark Iwanicki is a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist in clinical practice at the Clear Center of Health in Mill Valley, California. His functional medicine practice includes treatment of patients with chronic degenerative neurological disease, autoimmune diseases, asthma and allergies and chronic infectious diseases. He is a co-founder of Innovative Medicine, the natural medicine health and wellness company that distributes NADOVIM.
Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.
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