Case Review: “Suspected” Multiple Sclerosis, West Nile Virus, and Lyme Disease
History & Diagnosis
A 63-year-old man presented to our medical center who suffered from suspected multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, and West Nile virus. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease affecting the central nervous system, encompassing the brain and spinal cord. This typically occurs when the immune system inappropriately attacks the protective covering of the nerve fibers, known as myelin. This leads to inflammation and damage, which impedes the transmission of nerve signals and can result in various symptoms.
During his initial visit, the patient reported noticing increased difficulty with walking, eventually resulting in the need to use a cane. He additionally experienced neuropathy, fatigue, and tremors. Not only is the patient a business owner, which requires him to be well, but his usual activities of daily living had been severely impacted. Eventually, he was hospitalized. During this admission, he tested positive for West Nile virus and had positive Lyme markers. Initially, he was diagnosed with “possible MS,” then diagnosed with Lyme disease with questionable MS. The patient completed four weeks of antibiotic therapy, which resulted in no improvement. Shortly after this, the patient sought further answers, hoping to find treatments to guide him toward healing.
A comprehensive analysis of the patient revealed the following:
- High tissue toxicity – 18 on Dr. Schimmel’s scale
- Dr. Schimmel’s scale involves a toxicity score ranging from 0-21. As a reference, a normal range for a healthy individual is considered 1-8.
- Moderate heavy metal toxicity, including mercury, aluminum, and lead, causing severe dysfunction of his autonomic nervous system
- Disturbance of his central nervous system function in relation to chronic infection
- Multiple nutritional deficiencies, including minerals (phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, selenium, and zinc) and vitamins (C and D)
- Multiple pathogens associated with spirochetes infection, including viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic co-infections
- Significant liver stagnation as a result of all of the above, impairing the patient’s ability to detox from daily exposures
The combination of chronic infection, autonomic nervous system dysregulation, and systemic inflammation creates what we call a degenerative pattern. By treating the root causes we identified for this patient, we were able to stop this degenerative pattern. As a result, this patient restored his regenerative abilities, helping to promote the resolution of his symptoms.
-Nicole Ritieni, Clinical Director, NP

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A personalized program of treatment was established to reduce his toxic burden, address infections, and restore proper terrain. He started his treatment by cleansing his body and restoring proper organ and overall system function using oral and intravenous methods. He took daily ionized minerals, nutritional supplements, and homeopathic preparations at home to open his drainage pathways and initiate detoxification. Additionally, he began rebuilding his milieu with Sanum preparations and detoxifying heavy metals with oral chelating agents.
A total of ten intravenous infusions were combined with oxidative therapies, neural therapy, and intramuscular antiviral injections using natural compounds. During his first week of intravenous therapy, energy balancing was performed using the French ACMOS Method, an advanced therapeutic system similar to acupuncture but without needles. At the end of the patient’s detoxification protocol, he experienced notable relief from his neuropathy and began walking without a cane. His balance still required improvement, but he no longer needed extra assistance. This was a significant win for the patient.
Following detoxification came four sessions of antimicrobial therapies administered every three days, with detoxifying intravenous infusions for support in between. During this time, the patient noticed a pattern of increased pain and neuropathy alternating with days of relief. It is not abnormal to see a worsening of symptoms as chronic infections are being addressed. Finally, the patient ended his treatment program with five IV NAD+ infusions to promote regeneration and reestablish mitochondrial integrity for proper recovery.
Upon follow-up evaluation four weeks later, the patient was made aware his body still needed support in heavy metal detoxification to continue his healing process. Due to the presence of amalgam fillings, this patient requires safe removal at a biological dentist before initiating these treatments. This is currently in process.
The patient completed all intravenous and oral treatments as per his personalized program of treatment. This patient required eradicating a chronic infection and re-establishing proper terrain to improve significant dysregulation in his body. Due to his chronic infections and systemic inflammation, the patient’s immune system also experienced dysfunction, resulting in the attack of specific tissues in his body. His central nervous system was compromised, and over time this pattern could have led to severe degeneration. Fortunately, these patterns showed promise in being reversed by the improvement in many of his symptoms and BAH results.
The patient was educated that he was still actively healing and that follow-ups for his case are essential. While this case is still in progress, he has experienced relief from many of his initial symptoms. This patient expressed immense gratitude for his personalized program of treatment, which allowed for the eradication of Lyme disease and co-infections and the reestablishing of proper immune and autonomic/central nervous system regulation. As a result of compliance with his treatment program and trust in the process, the patient was able to take on his typical heavy workload over the summer and begin to participate in his regular daily activities.
Are You Suffering From Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme Disease, or Undiagnosed Symptoms?
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As Dr. Szulc, our Medical Director, explains, “We never diagnose the patient. We identify the causes of the problem, eliminate them, and the patient should return to health.” During the Future of Medicine event, Dr. Szulc shared the story of a wheelchair-bound patient who had been previously diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. By uncovering and addressing the patient’s underlying dysfunctions, Dr. Szulc helped him regain the ability to walk.
Disclaimer: The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products or treatments mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner for medical advice.
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